接下来涉及矩阵求导(Matrix calculus - Wikipedia),要复杂一些,这里不做推导,按参考文献[1]Chapter 9的公式(9.19),给出\frac{\partial L}{\partial \mathbf{\Sigma_k}} = \mathbf{0}的结果: \mathbf{\Sigma_k} = \frac{1}{N_k} \sum_{n=1}^{N}{\gamma(z_{nk})(\mathbf{x_n-\mu_k})(\...
首先,联合分布显然是满足无限维高斯分布的:\begin{bmatrix}Y\\f(X^*)\end{bmatrix}\sim N(\beg...
% - PX: N-by-K matrix indicating the probability of each% component generating each point.% - MODEL: a structure containing the parameters for a GMM:% MODEL.Miu: a K-by-D matrix.% MODEL.Sigma: a D-by-D-by-K matrix.% MODEL.Pi: a 1-by-K vector.% === threshold = 1e-15; ...
• We set the covariance matrix of each component to a small multiple of the identity matrix. • We set the weight of each component to 1/k . Explain why this initialization is equivalent to a K-Means clustering. In particular, consider the membership of a datapoint in each cluster ...
Some Characterizations of the Distribution of the Condition Number of a Complex Gaussian Matrix The objective of this paper is to characterize the distribution of the condition number of a complex Gaussian matrix. Several new distributional properties... M Shakil,M Ahsanullah - 《Special Matrices》 ...
GaussianSplatting 中的 projection matrix 和 opengl 中的 projection matrix 主要三个差异。 Opengl 中的 NDC z 轴值域是 [-1, 1], 而 GS 中的 NDC 坐标 z 的值域是 [0, 1]。 Opengl 是把 frustum 映射为 NDC, …
\Sigma_ i = \frac 1 n \sum_ {j = 1}^n(X_ j-\mu_ i)(X_ j - \mu_ i)^T (\sum)_ i is the covarivance matrix of i_ {th} Guassian component. \pi_ i is weight, # of points belonging to i_ {th} Guassian component / # of all points \pi_ i = \frac nm We hav...