How to make a Gaussian Curve in PowerPoint Draw a perfect Gaussian Curve from a function A possible approach is to use a Chart from Excel spreadsheet representing the values. Here you can learn more in the Official Office helpHow to create a Bell Curve chartor bell curve template. You can ...
一旦你完成了跟踪高斯曲線,只是刪除臨時圖像和修改樣式的曲線。 在這裡,您可以海在PowerPoint 2010中跟踪的圖形後創建的高斯曲線的例子。 使用同樣的方法,您可以繪製其他功能,如標準曲線函數或其他任何需要的曲線。 此外,你可以創建一個簡單的曲線函數框情節或曲線在PowerPoint中。
=632.8nm fixed: (a1) incident beam distribution, 1D; (a2) incident beam distribution, 2D; (b1) emerging beam distribution, DNM ωpe=ωpm=; (b2) emerging beam distribution, DNM ωpe=ωpm = and (b3) emerging beam distribution, DNM ωpe=ωpm =; (c) beam spot size distribution curve....
The value of I(⋅) is 0 if the value in brackets is greater than 0; otherwise, it is 1. The fragility curve can be plotted by calculating the damage probabilities for different IM levels. 4.2. Initial Training Set In this study, Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) [6, 33] is employed ...
The molecular structure of hydrogen resolved by valence bond theory is an important aspect in teaching of structural chemistry . In this paper ,the potential energy surface of H 2 is scanned ,the energy curve is depicted ,and the visualized ...
Figure 4 (a) Open in figure viewerPowerPoint Waveform fitting of a normalized pulse using four different methods. (a) Nelder-Mead, (b) MPSO, (c) DMS-PSO, and (d) TSPSO. In each subfigure, the upper panel shows the original normalized pulse S(n), the fitting curve using three Gaus...