1、GUI 如上图创建Blur/Gaussian/Median/Bilateral四个功能按钮QPushButton,对当前窗口的图像进行滤波操作,并输出状态信息。 2、实现代码 1、 blurBtn的clicked()槽函数实现 void MainWindow::on_blurBtn_clicked() { std::size_t numView = ui->tabWidget->currentIndex() % 3; if (dispMat[numView]->em...
1、GUI 如上图创建Blur/Gaussian/Median/Bilateral四个功能按钮QPushButton,对当前窗口的图像进行滤波操作,并输出状态信息。 2、实现代码 1、 blurBtn的clicked()槽函数实现 void MainWindow::on_blurBtn_clicked(){std::size_t numView = ui->tabWidget->currentIndex() % 3;if (dispMat[numView]->empty(...
时间:2019年09月23日 环境:OpenCV 4.1.1 + VS2017 内容:Gaussian Blur on Images with OpenCV */#include"pch.h"#include<iostream>#include<opencv2/opencv.hpp>using namespacestd; using namespace cv;intmain(){ Mat image = imread("claudia.png");if(image.empty()) {cout<<"Could not open or...
//高斯滤波器 https://github.com/scutlzk#include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace cv; using namespace std; void Get_Gaussian_Kernel(double*& gaus_1, const int size, const double sigma_s) { gaus_1 = new double[size*size]; double **...
dst = cv2.GaussianBlur(src,(10,10),cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT) Output You may change values of other properties and observe the results. Conclusion In thisOpenCV Python Tutorial, we have learned how to blur or smooth an image using the Gaussian Filter....
img=cv2.imread('D:/downloads/opencv_logo.PNG') # Apply the Gaussian blur c=cv2.GaussianBlur(img,(5,5),1) Both these methods produce the same result but the second one is more easy to implement. Try using this for a different type of noises and compare the results with other technique...
Implementing a Gaussian blur with two-dimensional convolution A Gaussian blur is implemented by convolving the image with a kernel of Gaussian values. Two- dimensional convolution is something that is used very widely in image processing. Usually, we have a big picture (let's look at a 5 x ...
♨️ Optimized Gaussian blur filter on CPU. openmpimage-processingblurdata-parallelismmultithreadedgaussian-blurbmp-imagecache-efficiency UpdatedDec 12, 2017 C++ An implementation of a parallel Gaussian blur algorithm written in CUDA C++. OpenCV is used solely for reading/writing images and converting...
image-processingfourier-transformhistogram-equalizationgaussian-blurcontrast-stretchingbicubic-interpolationmedian-blurimage-normalization UpdatedNov 16, 2024 Jupyter Notebook A collection of digital image processing techniques implemented in Python using OpenCV. Includes functionalities such as image smoothing, edge...
高斯模糊(Gaussian Blur),也叫高斯平滑,高斯滤波,其通常用它来减少图像噪声以及降低细节层次,常常也被用于对图像进行模糊。 通俗的讲,高斯模糊就是对整幅图像进行加权平均的过程,每一个像素点的值,都由其本身和邻域内的其他像素值经过加权平均后得到。高斯模糊的具体操作是:用一个模板(或称卷积、掩模)扫描图像中的...