网络高斯滤波;高斯滤波器 网络释义
两个函数的功能描述基本是一个意思,但是在gauss_image函数的注释下有这么一条: gauss_image is obsolete and is only provided for reasons of backward compatibility. New applications should use the operator gauss_filter instead. 即这个函数已经过时,提供他只是为了向前兼容,新的应用建议使用gauss_filter 函数,...
gauss_image is obsolete and is only provided for reasons of backward compatibility. New applications should use the operator gauss_filter instead. 即这个函数已经过时,提供他只是为了向前兼容,新的应用建议使用gauss_filter 函数,那我们再来看下halcon中其具体的描述: Signature gauss_filter(Image : ImageGauss...
gauss_filter (Image, ImageGauss,9)*高斯滤波*参数3:过滤器大小;建议值:3,5,7,9,11dev_open_window(0,0,254,252,'black',WindowHandle) dev_display(ImageGauss) 在Qt Creator中 HObject ho_Image, ho_ImageGauss; HTuple hv_WindowHandle; ReadImage(&ho_Image,"D:/bb/tu/2.png"); GaussFilter(...
gauss_filter — Smooth using discrete gauss functions. gauss_image — Smooth an image using discrete Gaussian functions. 两个函数的功能描述基本是一个意思,但是在gauss_image函数的注释下有这么一条: gauss_image is obsolete and is only provided for reasons of backward compatibility. New applications sho...
gauss_filter (Image, ImageGauss, 9) *高斯滤波 *参数3:过滤器大小;建议值: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 dev_open_window(0,0,254,252,'black',WindowHandle) dev_display(ImageGauss) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 在Qt Creator中 HObject ho_Image, ho_ImageGauss; ...
gauss_filter can be executed on OpenCL devices for all supported image types. However, the OpenCL impelementation can produce slightly different results from the scalar implementation. For an explanation of the concept of smoothing filters see the introduction of chapter Filters / Smoothing....
(Path, ImageFormat, out ImageFiles); DispText(ImageFiles); ImagePath2 = ImageFiles.TupleSelect(2); // 变量的赋值,单独成行 ReadImage(out Image2, ImagePath2); DevClearWindow(); DevDisplay(Image2); GaussFilter(Image2, out M_ImageGauss, 3); DevClearWindow(); DevDisplay(M_ImageGauss); ...
gen_gauss_filter(算子名称) 名称 gen_gauss_filter— Generate a Gaussian filter in the frequency domain. 参数签名 gen_gauss_filter( :ImageGauss:Sigma1,Sigma2,Phi,Norm,Mode,Width,Height: ) 描述 gen_gauss_filtergenerates a (possibly anisotropic) Gaussian filter in the frequency domain. The standar...
Sigma2 := 5 gen_gauss_filter(GaussFilter1,Sigma1,Sigma1,0,'none','dc_center',Width,Height)...