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algorithm newton optimization matlab nonlinear line-search conjugate-gradient nonlinear-programming-algorithms nonlinear-optimization optimization-algorithms nonlinear-programming conjugate-gradient-descent wolfe newtons-method bfgs nonlinear-optimization-algorithms matlab-implementations dogleg-method gauss-newton-method ...
内容提示: A Randomised Subspace Gauss-Newton Method for Nonlinear Least-SquaresCoralia Cartis 1 2 * Jaroslav Fowkes 1 * Zhen Shao 1 *AbstractWe propose a Randomised Subspace Gauss-Newton (R-SGN) algorithm for solving nonlin-ear least-squares optimization problems, that usesa sketched Jacobian of...
Ranganathan Ananth, "The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm 3 LM as a blend of gradient descent and Gauss-Newton itera," Georgia Tech. College of Computing (2004), pp. 1---5.Ranganathan A (2004) The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm 3 LM as a blend of gradient descent and Gauss-Newton itera...