Euler3节点主机有问题,检查发现主机未正常启动,重启主机 三、GAUSS-53600/51400 再次启动,发现报错GAUSS-53600/51400 [omm@Euler1 ~]$ gs_om -t start Starting cluster.===omm@euler2's password: omm@euler3's password: [SUCCESS] Euler12023-07-11 16:33:56.783 64ad13f4.1 [unknown] 140702557879...
一、检查状态 二、GAUSS-51400 Euler3节点主机有问题,检查发现主机未正常启动,重启主机 三、GAUSS-53600/51400 再次启动,发现报错GAUSS-53600/51400 脚本执行存在问题,python太不靠谱了,关闭节点排查一下 删除软连接,换成python2 再次关闭,依然报错,重新修改权限,依然报错 手工执行脚本,可以执行,看来是上面需要将python...
GAUSS-51400 : "Failed to execute the command: %s."SQLSTATE: NoneDescription: The command fails to be executed.Solution: Check whether the command is correct and whether y
[GAUSS-51400] : Failed to execute the command: source /home/omm/.bashrc; python3 '/gauss/om/script/local/' -U omm -R /gauss/app -t 300 --security-mode=off. Error: [FAILURE] Euler2: .[GAUSS-51400] : Failed to execute the command: source /home/omm/.bashrc; python...
报错:[GAUSS-51400] : Failed to execute the command: source /home/omm/.bashrc;python3 '/opt/huawei/wisequery/script/local/' -t start_cluster -U omm:dbgrp -X /opt/software/openGauss/clusterconfig.xml -R /opt/gaussdb/app -c dbtest -l /var/log/gaussdb/omm/om/gs_local.log...
安装单实例时报错GAUSS-51400 手工启动数据库失败,不是内存分配错误。 [omm@opengauss db1]$ gs_ctl start -D "/gauss/data/db1" [2021-05-08 21:57:03.057][8479][][gs_ctl]: gs_ctl started,datadir is -D "/gauss/data/db1" [2021-05-08 21:57:03.127][8479][][gs_ctl]: waiting for ...
针对你提出的问题 [gauss-51400] : failed to execute the command: python3 '/opt/huawei/install/,我可以提供以下分析和解决步骤: 检查脚本路径: 首先,确保 '/opt/huawei/install/' 路径下确实存在你想要执行的Python脚本。你可以使用以下命令来检查该路径下的内容: bash ls /opt/huawei/install/ 如果该路...
.[GAUSS-51400] : Failed to execute the command: source /home/omm/.bashrc; python3 '/gauss/om/script/local/' -U omm -R /gauss/app -t 300 --security-mode=off. Error:[FAILURE] Euler3:脚本执行存在问题,python太不靠谱了,关闭节点排查一下[omm@Euler1 ~]$ gs_om -t ...
[GAUSS-51400] : Failed to execute the command: source /home/omm/.bashrc; python3 '/opt/huawei/install/om/script/local/' -U omm -R /opt/huawei/install/app -t 300 -m fast. Error: [FAILURE] node1_hostname: [SUCCESS] node2_hostname:本...
GAUSS-51400 -- GAUSS-51499 : "Failed to do" SQLSTATE: 无 错误原因: 执行shell脚本失败。 解决办法: 1.检查命令是否正确;2.检查是否有权限执行命令;3.确保shell脚本存在。 GAUSS-51402: "Failed to generate certs." 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 配置Oozie节点间用户互信 运行SSH任务的用户...