Ideal for strict tolerances with its high accuracy +/-0.2% F.S. Measure and record compression and tension tests- permits true “push-pull” testing Real time or peak hold mode easily selectable with a single button push 180° reversible display and dual printed keypad allows usage as a port...
Structures testing Static, dynamic and live-load monitoring Tension distribution measurement CTE testing Thermal, mechanical and residual stress analysis Support for low-cycle fatigue, tensile strength, compressive strength, bending, indentation and puncture testing, rotating bend fatigue, crack growth, creep...
collector via USB, RS-232, Mitutoyo (Digimatic), or analog outputs. The ergonomic, reversible aluminum design allows for hand held use or test stand mounting for more sophisticated testing requirements. Gauges are directly compatible with all Mark-10 equipment including the ESM300 series test ...
1 for quarter bridge, 2 for half bridge and 4 for complete bridge, made of four strain gauges, all of them being fully sensitive to the applied principal strain (tensile / compressive, bending or shear). In this formula of the global sensitivity three important factors are involved: ε– ...
24.12), to maximize the effective gauge length compared to the length of the thread under the machine's grip, called the dead zone in the figure. This approach was taken because (1) strain is calculated by utilizing the displacement output of the moving head of the tensile testing machine ...
Dosage Calculation Formula 1. Two sloped roof Two-sided pitched roof description 1.Roof area: length × width. 2. The total length of tiles required: roof area ÷ 0.855 (the effective width of tiles is 0.855M/sheet). 3.Number of tiles: (roof length÷0.855m...
aThe mechanical properties of the PEDOT nanober mats were tested according to a previously reported method.39–42 A micro-tensile testing machine (Sans-GB T528, ShenZhen, China) with a crosshead speed of 1 mm everyminute and a gauge length of 20 mm was employed to evaluate the tensile stre...
View current force measurement or peak force for the test 规格与描述 蒸馏能力 (lbs)1000 蒸馏能力 (kg)500 蒸馏能力 (牛顿)5000 分辨率 (lbs)0.1 分辨率 (kg)0.1 分辨率 (牛顿)1 准确性±0.2% full scale 采样速率1000 Hz 输出USB, RS-232, analog ...
These tests were tensile tests that were carried out on two rectangular strips of flexible Li-ion-battery packaging, of identical dimensions, namely a width of 2 cm and a length of 20 cm. The flexible packaging used for the strips was a trilayer material: one layer of polyamide, one layer...