gatsby-imageis designed to work seamlessly with Gatsby’s native image processing capabilities powered by GraphQL and Sharp. To produce perfect images, you need only: Importgatsby-imageand use it in place of the built-inimg. Write a GraphQL query using one of the included GraphQL “fragments...
是指在使用Gatsby框架构建网站时,通过Gatsby-image插件来优化和处理数组中的图片。 Gatsby是一个基于React的静态网站生成器,它可以帮助开发者快速构建高性能的网站。而Gatsby-image是Gatsby提供的一个插件,用于优化网站中的图片加载和显示。 在markdown文件中,我们可以使用数组来存储多张图片的路径。而通过Gatsby-image插...
Gatsby是一个基于React的静态网站生成器,而gatsby-image则是Gatsby官方提供的插件,用于在网站中优化和加载图像。使用带有图像URL的gatsby-image,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 首先,确保您已经在Gatsby项目中安装了gatsby-image插件。可以使用以下命令进行安装: 代码语言:txt 复制 npm install gatsby-image 在您的项目中,...
It has all the advantages ofgatsby-image, including the “blur-up” technique or a ”traced placeholder” SVG to show a preview of the image while it loads, plushavingAVIFsupport (with the help ofgbimage-bridge)! plusbeing usable as a container (no more hacks with extra wrappers) ...
17reactjsgatsby 我有16 张图像要以网格格式呈现到网站上。 我为此使用了以下插件: gatsby-image gatsby-source-filesystem gatsby-plugin-sharp gatsby-transformer-sharp 我阅读了文档,据我所知,它只演示了如何查询单个图像。 例如 importReactfrom"react"import{ graphql }from"gatsby"importImgfrom"gatsby-image"...
Addimport core-js/stableto the component usinggbimage-bridgeand Gatsby will automatically add the needed polyfills. How to use For your convenience this package exports a Wrapper aroundBackgroundImage, that automatically converts the new image format to the old one needed by it. All properties ar...
这样,它里面的img元素就不会被放置在包装器的顶部(Safari和iOS设备),从而隐藏了弯曲的边框。 CSS中: // Use your own className selector if applicable .gatsby-image-wrapper { position: relative; z-index: 0; } -Adrian1111 网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的 可以查看英文原文,...
It has all the advantages ofgatsby-image, including the "blur-up" technique or a "traced placeholder" SVG to show a preview of the image while it loads, plushavingAVIFsupport (with the help ofgbimage-bridge)! plusbeing usable as a container (no more hacks with extra wrappers) ...
Using the Gatsby Image Component Now that we have our query, let’s use it in thehero.jscomponent we made earlier. We’ll need to importgraphqlfromgatsbyandImgfromgatsby-image. src/components/hero.js importReactfrom'react';import{graphql}from'gatsby';importImgfrom'gatsby-image';exportdefault...
import Img from "gatsby-image"; const Image = () => ( <StaticQuery query={graphql` query { placeholderImage: file(relativePath: { eq: "gatsby-astronaut.png" }) { childImageSharp { fluid(maxWidth: 300) { ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid } } } } `} render={data => <Img fluid={data.plac...