接下来,将刚创建的 GitHub 存储库作为远程存储库添加到本地存储库。 确保添加 GitHub 用户名,来替代下面命令中的 <YOUR_USER_NAME> 占位符。 Bash 复制 git remote add origin https://github.com/<YOUR_USER_NAME>/gatsby-static-web-app 将本地存储库推送到 GitHub。 Bash 复制 git push --set-upst...
基于协程和事件循环的c++网络库. Contribute to gatsbyd/melon development by creating an account on GitHub.
a site working on Netlify a new repository that is linked to that new site as you push changes to your new repository, Netlify will automatically rebuild and redeploy your site!💻 Get started with Gatsby locally in 5 MinutesYou can get a new Gatsby site up and running on your local dev...
我们现在需要做的是更新GitHub库。我们需要将文件添加到Git上的本地暂存区域,提交这些文件,然后将它们推到GitHub上的远程存储库。git add .git commit -m "[whatever changes you made]"git push -u origin master 一旦你的GitHub库被更新,我们就可以设置一个直接从GitHub部署的Netlify站点。可以改进的领域 美化...
跟着官方教程的节奏,一步一步你就来到了和 Gatsby 数据层打交道的地方。 发布体验 1.git push到 GitHub ➜ site-cia-im git:(master)git push origin master Counting objects: 100%(25/25),done. Delta compression using up to16threads Compressing objects: 100%(12/12),done. ...
yarn build cd public git init git add -A git commit -m 'update' git push -f git@github.com:<USERNAME>/<REPO>.git master:gh-pages然后在仓库中进行点击 Settings, 找到 GitHub Pages,选择 Source 为 gh-pages 分支,确定即可。NetlifyNetify 用于部署以及内容管理系统。你可以将网页部署到 Netlify,还...
3. as you push changes to your new repository, Gatsby Cloud will automatically rebuild and redeploy your site! 💻 Get started with Gatsby locally in 5 Minutes You can get a new Gatsby site up and running on your local dev environment in 5 minutes with these four steps: 1. Initialize a...
跟着官方教程的节奏,一步一步你就来到了和 Gatsby 数据层打交道的地方。 发布体验 1. git push 到 GitHub ➜ site-cia-im git:(master)git push o… 阅读全文 Windows10 + WSL2配置 gatsby环境 DashanLand 计算机 写这篇文章主要是因为我的电脑是Win10 64的,在尝试直接在win10环境上搭建gatsby环境时...
github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby Homepage github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/tree/master/packages/gatsby#readme Weekly Downloads 258,881 Version 5.14.1 License MIT Unpacked Size 6.99 MB Total Files 1361 Issues 209 Pull Requests 198 Last publish 2 months ago ...
push(parentNodeId => createFileNodeFromBuffer({ buffer: value, getCache: ctx.getCache, createNode: ctx.createNode, createNodeId: ctx.createNodeId, }) ) value = `Buffer` } node[key] = value } function createMySqlNodes({ name, __sql, idField, keys }, results, ctx) { const MySql...