“Yes,” admitted the child calmly. “Aunt Jordan’s got on a white dress too.” “How do you like mother’s friends?” Daisy turned her around so that she faced Gatsby. “Do you think they’re pretty?” “Where’s Daddy?”
Almost before I had grasped her meaning there was the flutter of a dress and the crunch of leather boots, and Tom and Daisy were back at the table. “It couldn't be helped! ” cried Daisy with tense gaiety. She sat down, glanced searchingly at Miss Baker and then at me, and con...
Through this twilight universe Daisy began to move again with the season;suddenly she was again keeping half a dozen dates a day with half a dozen men, and drowsing asleep at dawn with the beads and chiffon of an evening dress tangled among dying orchids on the floor beside her bed. And...
so I always have a good time. Last time I came here I ripped my dress on a chair, and Gatsby asked me my name and address — a week later I received a box in the mail from Gatsby. There was a beautiful new dress in it. The dress must have cost more than two hundred dollars!
bright eyes and a bright passionate mouth--but there was an excitement in her voice that men who had cared for her found difficult to forget: a singing compulsion, a whispered "Listen," a promise that she had done gay, exciting things just a while since and that there were gay, exciting...
Her face, above a spotted dress of dark blue crepe-de-chine, contained no facet or gleam of beauty but there was an immediately perceptible vitality about her as if the nerves of her body were continually smouldering. 她穿着沾了油渍的深蓝色绉纱连衣裙,脸庞长得并不美,但是一眼就能看得出来她...
After two years I remember the rest of that day, and that night and the next day, only as an endless drill of police and photographers and newspaper men in and out of Gatsby's front door. A rope stretched across the main gate and a policeman by it kept out the curious, but little ...
“My dear,” she cried, “I'm going to give you this dress as soon as I'm through with it. I've got to get another one tomorrow. I'm going to make a list of all the things I've got to get. A massage and a wave and a collar for the dog and one of those cute little ...
She got up slowly, raising her eyebrows at me in astonishment, and followed the butler toward the house. I noticed that she wore her evening-dress, all her dresses, like sports clothes—there was a jauntiness about her movements as if she had first learned to walk upon golf courses on ...
BeforeIcouldanswer,Daisycameoutofthehouseandtworowsofbrassbuttonsonherdressgleamedinthesunlight. 在我回答他之前,黛西从屋里出来了,她衣服上两排铜扣在阳光中闪烁光芒。 "Thathugeplacethere?"shecriedpointing. “就是那边那栋大房子吗?”她边指边大声喊道。