A plastic version of the Cirkul water bottle is being sold for $32 viaIndieGoGo, while the metal version will cost $45. Each Cirkul bottle includes eight flavor cartridges. Additional cartridges will be available from the company’s storefront with prices starting at $24 for an 8-pack. Cirku...
The manufacturer of Gatorade is not the only one that chooses PET for beverage containers. It's used for many types of beverages: water, juices and soft drinks. Its toughness, light weight and low cost have made it a top choice in the industry. References Earth Odyssey: Recycling symbols ...
the energy you need, and it will allow consumers to be great like Dwayne Wade. The water droplets on the Gatorade makes the drink look appetizing, and makes you want to taste it even more. Along with these techniques Gatorade uses the rhetorical device ethos to get consumers to purchase ...