importio.gatling.core.Predef._importio.gatling.http.Predef._importscala.concurrent.duration._classApiGatlingSimulationTestextendsSimulation{// 定义protocolvalhttpProtocol=http .baseUrl("")// root URL for all relative URLs.acceptHeader("text/html,application/xhtml+xml...
性能测试有两种类型,负载测试和压力测试: 负载测试(Load Testing):主要是测试软件系统是否达到需求文档设计的目标,如软件在一定时期内,最大支持多少并发用户数,软件请求出错率等。关注点是在满足响应正常的条件下,请求的极限值能有多高。 压力测试(Stress Testing):主要是测试硬件系统是否达到需求文档设计的性能目标,如...
Finally, you can configure Gatling logging by editing the logback.xml file. We created this file in the setup process for this project in the Gatling through Gradle post . In my example project its in the src/gatling/resources/conf folder. If you are running Gatling externally, the logback....
Gatling Grafana is a powerful performance testing tool that provides multiple ways to monitor and analyze your test script's execution. Including real-time console monitoring, execution metrics and static HTML reports for performance analysis after test execution. Back to top What is InfluxDB Grafana...
Post Your Answer By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge you have read our privacy policy. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged scala performance-testing gatling scala-gatling or ask your own question. The...
"Kubernetes Scalability & application performance testing" What do you like best about Gatling? java/maven tool with posibilites integrating into current java projects (with a maven plugin help). Native integration with Github Actions. Gatling enteprise provides meaninful graphs & stats for A/B te...
A gatling plugin for running load tests on Apache Dubbo( and other java ecosystem. javabenchmarkingbenchmarkperformancescalaload-testingstress-testingloadtestgatlingdubboperformance-testinggatling-dubbo UpdatedAug 20, 2019 ...
This API allows you to run different types of functional checks along with your performance testing. The assertions API is flexible and allows you to run all checks either for specific requests or for all requests at once: //verifies that each request has no more than 2 percents of failed ...
用于运行测试的mvn命令: mvn测试编译gatling:test未能在项目PerformanceTesting上执行目标io.gatling: Gatling -maven-plugin:4.1.5:test (默认-cli):G 浏览1提问于2022-11-02得票数 1 1回答 在编辑`gatling.conf`时无法更改加特林指示器边界 我想在Gatling输出报告中更改图表的范围,所以我更改了gatling.conf,如...
Gatling是一款基于Scala 开发的高性能服务器性能测试工具,同时也是一款功能强大的负载测试工具,它为易于...