The summer 2017 Heroines issue of Gather is a tribute to the art—and the women behind it—which has made us better. We took food cues from the female directors, television mavericks, creative muses, and childhood literary role models we revere. Plus, we honored musicians whose rebellious ...
Explanations of why nocturnal insects fly erratically around fires and lamps have included theories of “lunar navigation” and “escape to the light”. However, without three-dimensional flight data to test them rigorously, the cause for this odd behavi
We observed these motifs with insects flying around the light source under all conditions, but rarely (<2%) in videos of insects in the dark, hence our characterising them as abnormal (Table1). Once below the light, insects frequently righted themselves, only to climb above the light and in...
Green around the gills, you will not be. Coconut Matcha Pound Cake & Minted Honeydew A different kind of tea party. NEUTRALS That they are also known as earth tones makes perfect sense— from muslin to caramel, saddle to umber, these are nature’s first colors. The shades of the world...
We Gather TogetherCarpentree
students on a gap semester tour of Hawaii spent four days in Lili`uokalani Gardens. One of the tasks was renewing the azalea bed near Shoroan, the Urasenke Society of Hilo tea house. All sod removed from this area was moved to the meadow to build up eroded soil around the base of the...
When you buy Young's Welcome Mermaids Gather Here A Beach Thing Wall Signs Set of 3 Embossed Metal or any product product online from us, you become part of the Houzz family and can expect exceptional customer service every step of the way. If you have questions about...
The sweetest tiny dish with a moon face on it, and a crescent moon brass ornament for adorning the tree or your wall An elegant stemless flute glass with a subtle pebbled glass texture You can’t go wrong with any candle in this line and I carry a variety of scents in the shop, thi...