Those followers of John the Baptist who did not transfer their... Mk 2:19 friends of the bridegroom fast. 2:19 friends of the bridegroom fast. In Jesus’ illustration, the “friends of the bridegroom”... Mk 2:20 taken away from them....
Africa is home to 55 countries, an ancient and complex history, modern cities, some 3,000 languages and over a billion people. From Algeria to Zimbabwe, here’s a snapshot of each country on a continent you need to know more about.
Church CHURCH, THE (ἐκκλησία, G1711). The Eng. word “church” with its cognate form, “kirk,” is... Chuza, Chuzas CHUZA, CHUZAS ku’ zə(s) (Χουζᾶς, G5966, Aram. כּוּזָא, little jug)...
John the Baptist proclaimed that Jesus would... They had no further objections (Acts 11:18) They had no further objections (11:18). After Peter carefully explains to them all that has... The Establishment of the Church in Antio...
A letter of Paul to the church at... The Great Commission COMMISSION, THE GREAT. The Great Commission is linked with two great historic events: the... Common COMMON, used in both senses, “ordinary” and “shared,” in the OT, and by associati...
亚伯拉罕买地葬撒拉 - 撒拉享年一百二十七岁, 在迦南境内的基列·亚巴,即希伯仑去世。亚伯拉罕在那里痛哭,哀悼她。 他从妻子尸体旁边站起来对赫人说: “我是寄居在你们这里的异乡人,请你们给我一块地,我好埋葬我的亡妻。”
John the Baptist Expand Gospel of John JOHN, GOSPEL OF. The “Fourth Gospel,” as it is often called, prob. has influenced Christian... Jordan JORDAN jôr’ dən (יַּרְדֵּ֔ן, ̓Ιορδάνης, G2674, the descend...
耶和华救人脱诸苦难 - “你们要称谢耶和华,因他本为善,他的慈爱永远长存!” 愿耶和华的赎民说这话,就是他从敌人手中所救赎的, 从各地,从东从西,从南从北所招聚来的。 使漂流者安居 - 他们在旷野荒地漂流,寻不见可住的城邑,
JOHN THE BAPTIST (̓Ιωάννης ὁ Βαπτιστής). Called the “Baptist” (Matt 3:1) and the “baptizer” (... Gospel of John JOHN, GOSPEL OF. The “Fourth Gospel,” as it is often called, prob. has influenced Chris...