Last week after a long day of traveling, I found myself delayed at a bus station. The bus was running two hours late! I was a little41and had to wait there reading a book. Just then a woman42and asked me if I had any spare change to help her43 a bus ticket. ...
where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.”The word “treasure,” threw me for a long time. I didn’t think I had many treasures, except perhaps, my iPhone and a few related gadgets...
the DNC dragged us into court state by state attempting…to subvert the will of the voters…in a campaign where my poll numbers reached at times into the high 20s, the DNC-aligned mainstream networks maintained a near-total embargo on interviews with me…(and) instead ran a continuous deluge...
So one night, about four in the morning, he bought a jar of Skippy at the all-night bodega and threw it through the window of the store where they’d sold him the boots. Or so he said. We’d all been up snorting methedrine and he came back in trembling, asking us if your ...
"Before the course, I was only sleeping for 2-3 hours a night, but since Thomas' course I'm sleeping unbelievably better! 8-9 hours every night. This technique is a true blessing." - Katherine, Counselor/Coach, NY * “I have been very impressed by the strength of the energy when do...
The original drive held 17 gigabytes, storing roughly 12 hours of video, and a new 40 gigabytes drive was on sale at the local electronics store for about $120. Unsurprisingly, Dish Networks wasn't especially interested in telling me how to do it. And there were no tradi- tional sources...
I followed columnists every day. I subscribed to a couple of additional newspapers. I watched less television. Our son bought me a turntable and some records- The Who-Who’s Next remained a favorite. I had more quiet time. I have not been to the grocery store; I receive all by deliver...
I followed columnists every day. I subscribed to a couple of additional newspapers. I watched less television. Our son bought me a turntable and some records- The Who-Who’s Next remained a favorite. I had more quiet time. I have not been to the grocery store; I receive all by deliver...
Among the 50 companies in the fund is one where a guy has figured out how to store energy long-term by pumping water into the ground and storing it between underground layers of rock. It takes energy to pump it down, but that can be done when electricity is abundant. Then, when he ...
The Ultimate Balance Shop & Dine This location in Rochester invites convenience into your routine. Swing by the grocery store on your way home from work or shop for fashion trends in your free time. When you’re hungry, choose from a variety of restaurants down the street, whether that’s...