Their ambition is to belong to a dozen lodges, consume religion without restraint, and, when they die, go straight up to heaven. Wasting $5,000 on a school is plain silly when you could give $100 to old Ned, the best colored preacher in the world... who will do more to keep ...
"Hey, by Heaven I've got it! This rascal is in disguise. I don't believe he's an East Indian at all. That face--it isn't a face, but a mask! I guess his story put that into my head, but it's true. It never moves, and that turban and beard hide the edges. This fellow...
As I understand it, Christianityimplicitlyposits parallel concepts of relative and ultimate realities. A Kingdom of Earth where our treasures arenotsafe, and a Kingdom of Heaven where they are. A physical body that comes from dust and returns to dust, as a well as a Soul which doesn’t p...
Their ambition is to belong to a dozen lodges, consume religion without restraint, and, when they die, go straight up to heaven. Wasting $5,000 on a school is plain silly when you could give $100 to old Ned, the best colored preacher in the world... who will do more to keep ...