In Chinese, the word 天 (tiā) refers to both the sky and the heaven. When heaven opens, one would expect to be showered upon with all kinds of blessings. Therefore, this expression means to have a very fantastic idea, to daydream, or to have one’s head in the clouds. 以他微薄的...
The Narrow and Wide Gates - “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter
The leaning minaret gained the nickname al-hadba, “the hunchback,” and legends grew that it gained its bend from bowing to Muhammad, or that the prophet had stepped on it while ascending into heaven. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declares ISIS’ caliphate established from the mihrab of the Great ...
Are now the base of old hills. The Three Mountains fall through the far heaven. The isle of White Heron. splits the two streams apart. Now the high clouds cover the sun. And I can see Choan afar. And I am sad. 六个朝代就会有六朝的城门,我们取六朝都城之意。用两个镂空金属盒子和一个...
of Oakland, California, standing in front of "My Song of Oakland." Completed and installed in 2019. Mark's Alter Ego who keeps him on the straight and narrow. Hot off the factory floor in 2019 are Sarah and Rex destined for the Corral at the Country Kitchen in where else but downtown...
"Hey, by Heaven I've got it! This rascal is in disguise. I don't believe he's an East Indian at all. That face--it isn't a face, but a mask! I guess his story put that into my head, but it's true. It never moves, and that turban and beard hide the edges. This fellow...
Are now the base of old hills. The Three Mountains fall through the far heaven. The isle of White Heron. splits the two streams apart. Now the high clouds cover the sun. And I can see Choan afar. And I am sad. 六个朝代就会有六朝的城门,我们取六朝都城之意。用两个镂空金属盒子和一个...
Narrow minded creatures Just pretending to be cool Mindless empty eyes Breaking every rule When the world is turning black The ones we love are never coming back Is it heaven or is it hell Help me god I just can't tell Is there darkness or is there light At the gates of paradise Scars...
Are now the base of old hills. The Three Mountains fall through the far heaven. The isle of White Heron. splits the two streams apart. Now the high clouds cover the sun. And I can see Choan afar. And I am sad. 六个朝代就会有六朝的城门,我们取六朝都城之意。用两个镂空金属盒子和一个...
The Narrow and Wide Gates - “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter