a practical phase gate for universal topological quantum computation using MZMs, a precise protocol (using CHSH inequality) for testing that the desired gate operation has been achieved, and bypassing the necessity of MZM braiding (and so avoiding, e.g., problems of nonadiabaticity in the braids...
Talk Benchmarking quantum processor quality in the utility era*
We show that a set of gates that consists of all one-bit quantum gates [U(2)] and the two-bit exclusive-OR gate [that maps Boolean values (x,y) to (x,x⊕y)] is universal in the sense that all unitary operations on arbitrarily many bits n [U(2n)] can be expressed as compositi...
In this pursuit of quantum advantage, the quantum kernel method for support vector machine has emerged as a powerful approach. Entanglement, a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics, assumes a central role in quantum computing. In this paper, we investigate the optimal number of entanglement gates...
both of which have arguably been falling behind their high expectations; in any case, it provides a powerful paradigm for simulating and verifying topological quantum computing architectures with high-level certification languages aware of the actual physical principles of realistic topological quantum hardw...
The ability to perform entangling quantum operations with low error rates in a scalable fashion is a central element of useful quantum information processing1. Neutral-atom arrays have recently emerged as a promising quantum computing platform, featuring coherent control over hundreds of qubits2,3and ...
Quantum computing can be realized with numerous different hardware platforms and computational protocols. A highly promising, and potentially scalable, idea is to combine a photonic platform with measurement-induced quantum information processing. In this approach, gate operations can be implemented through...
Multi-Qubit Gates in Arrays Coupled by 'Always On' Interactions Recently there has been interest in the idea of quantum computing without control of the physical interactions between component qubits. This is highly appealing since the 'switching' of such interactions is a principal difficulty in cr...
In contrast, there are an infinite number of unitary transformations on a single qubit on a quantum computer. Therefore, no finite set of primitive quantum operations or gates, can exactly replicate the infinite set of unitary transformations allowed in quantum computing. This means, unlike ...
Any MPI libaries are also required if you would like to use RIKEN-braket in massively parallel supercomputers. You can retrieve the current status of RIKEN-braket by cloning the repository: $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/jhpc-quantum/RIKEN-braket.git Using bra On the bra/ ...