By Jennifer GardyDeputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Subscribe toThe Optimistto get weekly updates on the latest in global health, gender equality, education, and more. Email address By submitting your email to subscribe, you agree to the Gates Foundation'sPrivacy & Cookies Notice...
By Jennifer GardyDeputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Subscribe toThe Optimistto get weekly updates on the latest in global health, gender equality, education, and more. Email address By submitting your email to subscribe, you agree to the Gates Foundation'sPrivacy & Cookies Notice...
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed to spending $8.6 billion in 2024 to help meet mounting needs and fund innovative ways to save and improve lives. Many philanthropists are stepping up, but this extraordinary moment requires more: more urgency, more resources, and more bold, new...
西雅图 2024年9月17日 /美通社/ -- 比尔和梅琳达•盖茨基金会(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)在今天发布的第八份年度目标守护者报告中,敦促世界各国领导人在最需要的地方增加全球卫生支出,以促进儿童的健康和营养,尤其是在全球气候危机面前。《目标守卫者》报告《滋养变暖世界的竞赛》预测,如果不立即采取全...
Meanwhile, Buffett has been lauded for his lack of vanity in handing his money over to the Gates foundation instead of setting up a charitable trust in his own name.───同时,巴菲特一直因其不贪慕虚荣而受到赞誉,因为他将资金捐给了盖茨基金会,而不是以自己的名义建立一个慈善信托基金。
In that context, at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation we are proud to be doubling down on our commitment to our core mission: helping to ensure that every person has the chance to lead a healthy, productive life. 在这样...
西雅图2024年9月17日/美通社/ -- 比尔和梅琳达•盖茨基金会(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)在今天发布的第八份年度目标守护者报告中,敦促世界各国领导人在最需要的地方增加全球卫生支出,以促进儿童的健康和营养,尤其是在全球气候危机面前。 《目标守卫者》报告《滋养变暖世界的竞赛》预测,如果不立即采取全球行动...
由比尔·盖茨、梅琳达·盖茨创立的比尔及梅林达-盖茨基金会,2004年获得中国QFII资格可以布局投资A股,2020年基金会获批参与A股上市公司股份定增的认购。 比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会成立于2000年,基金主要公众人物是比尔·盖茨、梅琳达·盖茨以及沃伦·巴菲特。 2021年四季度比尔及梅林达·盖茨基金会开始布局A股市场,进入A股市...