在《Attention-Based Recurrent Neural Network Modelsfor Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling》中的模型attention-based rNN model基础上,提出了slot-gate门。 通过slot-gate来加强intent与slot任务的交互性。见文章《Slot-Gated Modeling for Joint Slot Filling and Intent Prediction》。 模型步骤: 1.意图识别是...
论文提出的Slot-Gated结构,其关注于学习Intent和Slot attention向量之间的关系(其ID和SF的attention权重独立),通过全局优化获得更好的semantic frame。门控机制让我想起16年的一项将线性门控机制应用于卷积结构的工作,同样也是使用了门控机制,提出了GLU结构,门控机制真是很奇妙的一种结构。阅读笔记如下: DengBoCong:...
self.slot_output_size=slot_output_size#是否预测模式self.predict_flag =predict_flag#原论文中有两种模型结构,一个带slot_attention,一个不带slot_attentionself.slot_attention_flag =slot_attention_flag self.source_embedding= nn.Embedding(source_input_dim, source_emb_dim, padding_idx=pad_index)#双向gru...
slot: 包含socket端口信息和 输入 输出缓存。 sockmgr: 作为服务器,管理客户端收发消息 。 client sockMgr: 自己有时候需要连接别的服务器,那自己就是客户端,通过该类管理自己作为客户端时的消息收发。 logicCompute: 一个死循环,无限遍历 消息列表 和 回调消息列表,进行逻辑处理,发起 socket消息回应 和 sql 请求...
模型 2.1 底层特征: 2.2 attention: 2.3 slot-Gate: 实验结果: conclusion Reference 来自论文:《Slot-Gated Modeling for Joint Slot Filling and Intent Prediction》 发表在NAACL HLT 2018,自然语言四大顶会之一。 基于Attention的... 查看原文 插槽填充(Slot Filling)和意图检测(Inten Detection)近几年相关论文...
This network, building on the slot attention mechanism, can explicitly distinguish between changed and unchanged region representations and disentangle these representations by multiple independent concepts. These concepts are instrumental in capturing the uniformity and diversity in the representations among ...
disable early stop, use snips dataset and use intent attention version python3 train.py --no_early_stop --dataset=snips --model_type=intent_only use "python3 train.py -h" for all avaliable parameter settings Note: must type--dataset. If you don't want to use this flag, type--dat...
11) and four gates per gate slot, giving a total of 1024 candidates. The eight BNs used for BN1 were identical to those used in BN2, however the gates' trigger logic were different. The trigger logic for G1 asks for the posterior probability of a good buying opportunity (i.e. a ...
Safety rules for PMTs and MCPs To avoid injury due to electrical shock and to avoid damage to the PMS module, please pay attention to safety rules when handling the high voltage of the PMT. Make sure that there is a reliable ground connection between the HV supply unit and the PMT. ...
Obviously because of Florida as usual we expect some bugs and there were ants in the master but I seen the company come around spraying so even without being brought to attention stuff is always taken care of :). It was a pleasure working with Michelle and deff will be in the future ...