Mathematics (MA) 25 22.5 16.7 Mechanical Engineering (ME) 34.1 30.7 22.7 Mining Engineering (MN) 31.5 28.4 21 Metallurgical Engineering (MT) 53.5 48.1 35.7 Petroleum Engineering (PE) 49.9 44.9 33.3 Physics (PH) 25.2 22.7 16.8 Production and Industrial Engineering (PI) 32.2 29 21.5 Statistics (...
Normalized marksare themarksyou scored after weighing the no. Of candidates who endeavored that exam in that slot, their score, level of exam in that particular slot, etc. Based on the above points, there is one formula for determining the normalized marks. ...
Programming languages, programme design, the analysis of algorithms, software, and computer hardware are just a few of the computation-related topics covered in the GATE Computer Science Engineering exam. Electrical engineering, mathematics, and linguistics are some of the disciplines that gave rise to...
What is the formula for the balance factor in an AVL tree? Balance Factor = height(left-subtree) − height(right-subtree) Q2 What does AVL stand for? In Computer Science, AVL stands for Adelson-Velski & Landis. This is because the AVL tree was introduced by these two inventors. ...
Engineering Mathematics There are almost 5 important topics that have been covered under this subject. You need to give this subject around 10 days. Linear Algebra: You should know the various types of matrices and how to inverse, reduce, transpose, etc. Eigenvalue is a very important concept...
What is more, we calculated the responsivity (R) of the BTS photodetector according to the formula [51]: R = Iph/PS, where S is the effective channel area estimated to be 44 μm2 as shown in Fig. S3. Together with the light on/off ratio, we plotted these results in Fig. 4h. ...
Hydraulic structures such as sluice gates are more sensible of driftwood that is transported by a river; all this debris, like a trunk, deadwood, and rootstocks, can be accumulated upstream hydraulic structures may cause many hydraulic troubles, so studd