心理学有个名词叫:门控理论(Gate Control Theory) 心理学有个名词叫:(Gate Control Theory) 你有没有过这样的经历:明明受了伤,但只要一转移注意力,疼痛感就会减弱?或者,当我们心情不好的时候,身体上的小毛病会变得格外明显?这就是心理学中的“门控理论”想要解释的现象。 1. 什么是门控理论? 门控理论,简...
这个“打开的门”允许传输细胞被激发,从而感知疼痛。 疼痛的门控理论(Gate Control Theory of Pain)指出,非疼痛感受的神经讯号输入可以关闭“闸门”,阻止痛觉讯号传入中枢神经系统。 疼痛的门控理论描述了非痛觉如何能够超越和减轻痛觉。一种疼痛的伤害性刺激会刺激初级传入纤维并通过传输细胞传播到大脑。传输细胞的活动...
TheGateControlTheory )是 1965 年 Melzack 和 Wall 在特异学说、型式学说和 情感学说的基础上,为疼痛控制提出的,该学说设想 在脊髓后角存在一种神经调节机制,使神经信息冲 动流在诱发痛知觉和痛反应前就受到闸门控制。该 学说强调兴奋性和抑制性影响的动态平衡,包括脊 髓水平和脑水平的相互反馈作用,认为疼痛的控制...
Gate Control Theorydoi:10.1007/978-3-642-28753-4_200859DefinitionDefinitionThe Gate Control Theory was devised by Melzack and Wall in 1965. It proposed an explanation (later falsified) on how innocuous stimulation inhibits pain via a presynaptic inhibitorSpringer, Berlin, Heidelberg...
gate-control theoryAlso found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. theory [the´ah-re, thēr´e] 1. the doctrine or the principles underlying an art as distinguished from the practice of that particular art. 2. a formulated hypothesis or, loosely speaking, any hypothesis or opinion ...
你有没有过这样的经历:明明受了伤,但只要一转移注意力,疼痛感就会减弱?或者,当我们心情不好的时候,身体上的小毛病会变得格外明显?这就是心理学中的 " 门控理论 " 想要解释的现象。 1. 什么是门控理论? 门控理论,简单来说,就是我们的大脑就像一个 " 门卫 ",它控制着疼痛信号的传递。当我们受到刺激时,...
Gate Control Theory of pain stands the test of time. The use of spinal manipulation to treat an acute on field athletic injury: a case report Based on Gate Control Theory of pain and previous experiences; parameters such as culture, stress and psychological factors have a powerful influence on...
This study investigated a prediction derived from gate control theory—that there would be a pulse of pain as a pain stimulus was being ramped off due to the rapidly transmitting, inhibitory large fiber activity falling away sooner at the spinal level than the excitatory activity of the slow-tra...
你有没有过这样的经历:你明明受伤了,但只要分散注意力,疼痛就会减弱?或者,当我们心情不好的时候,我们身上的小问题就会变得特别明显?这是心理学中“门控理论”想要解释的现象。 1. 门控理论叫什么? 简单来说,门控理论就是我们的大脑就像一个“门卫”,它掌握着疼痛信号的传递。当我们受到刺激时,疼痛信号会通过神...
The gate control theory (GCT) of pain was introduced in 1965 by Ronald Melzack and Patrick Wall. It was the first theory to introduce the concept that pain experience is not simply the result of a linear process that begins with the stimulation of pain pathways in the peripheral nervous syst...