A theory to explain the mechanism of pain; small-fiber afferent stimuli, particularly pain, entering the substantia gelatinosa can be modulated by large-fiber afferent stimuli and descending spinal pathways so that their transmission to ascending spinal pathways is blocked (gated). Medical Dictionary...
Define Gate control theory of pain. Gate control theory of pain synonyms, Gate control theory of pain pronunciation, Gate control theory of pain translation, English dictionary definition of Gate control theory of pain. A theory which states that pain ma
1 Gate Control Theory of Pain According to the gate control theory of pain, pain signals that originate in an area of injury or disease do not..
Synonyms Pain ; Pain perception ; Pain sensitivity Definition The gate control theory (GCT) of pain was introduced in 1965 by Ronald Melzack and Patrick Wall. It was the first theory to introduce the concept that pain experience is not simply the result of a linear process that begins with ...
Define -gate. -gate synonyms, -gate pronunciation, -gate translation, English dictionary definition of -gate. suff. A scandal involving alleged illegal acts and often a cover-up, especially by government officials: Irangate. American Heritage® Diction
If you live with chronic pain, it can be discouraging when yourcurrent treatmentisn’t working or when the pain returns time after time. The gate control theory of pain example offers insight into the causes of pain and why certain experiences are more painful than others. ...
AcronymDefinition GAR Grand Army of the Republic GAR Gestion Axée sur les Résultats (French: Results-Based Management; various locations) GAR George A. Romero (film director) GAR Go Around (aviation) GAR Golden Age of Radio (radio show) GAR Gross as Received (energy value) GAR Gallatin As...
to appropriate data sharing. Sustainable discovery in the field of medical genetics can best be achieved through voluntary data sharing rather than command-and-control tactics, but voluntary mechanisms must be conceived broadly to include market-based approaches as well as donative and publicly funded...
Optimal control theory has been used to determine the time dependence of potential to bring the atoms together, so they interact and generate two-qubit collisional gates, which operate as fast as possible while maintaining high fidelity of the gate [84]. Sign in to download full-size image ...
Define Gate Proselyte. Gate Proselyte synonyms, Gate Proselyte pronunciation, Gate Proselyte translation, English dictionary definition of Gate Proselyte. n. A new convert to a doctrine or religion. v. pros·e·lyt·ed , pros·e·lyt·ing , pros·e·lyte