The digital system is built using many logic gates. The logic gate is an electronic circuit having one or more inputs and a single output. These gates are constructed using diodes and transistors. Boolean algebra is the mathematical expression that explains the output of logic gates. ...
Define Logic board. Logic board synonyms, Logic board pronunciation, Logic board translation, English dictionary definition of Logic board. n. A mechanical, optical, or electronic system that performs a logical operation on an input signal. American Heri
Versions Notes Abstract Recently, the design and development of nanozyme-based logic gates have received much attention. In this work, by engineering the stability of the nanozyme-catalyzed product, we demonstrated that the chromogenic system of 3, 3′, 5, 5′-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) can act...
Review Reports Versions Notes Abstract Unmanned network robotics is a new multidisciplinary field that involves many fields of computer networks, multi-agent systems, control theory, 5G and 6G Internet, computer security, and wireless quantum communications. Efficient conjugation of such technologies needs...
RELEASE_NOTES aclocal.m4 algo-gate-api.c algo-gate-api.h api.c bitcoin-config.h compat.h config-template.json configure configure~ cpu-miner.c cpu...
Versions Notes Abstract An holistic extension for classical propositional logic is introduced in the framework of quantum computation with mixed states. The mentioned extension is obtained by applying the quantum Fredkin gate to non-factorizable bipartite states. In particular, an extended notion of clas...