EC GATE Paper 2009Metal, ChipSemiconductor, Oxide
Electronics and Communication Engineering (EC) 25 22.5 16.6 Computer Science and Information Technology (CS) 25 22.5 16.67 GATE Cut-Off (2014): Here you may check GATE cutoff for the year 2014. The cutoff is mentioned branch wise: GATE Paper Category GEN OBC SC/ST/PwD Instrumentation Engineeri...
To address this question, we used transgenic mice that express the cre recombinase specifically in peripheral pruritoceptors under the transcriptional control of the mas-related G-protein-coupled receptor A3 (MrgprA3::cre mice; Han et al., 2013). We prepared spinal cord slices from MrgprA3::...
A sheet of paper in contact with the delivering roller 7 has an effective frictional resistance with the roller 7 and therefore is conveyed between the delivering roller 7 and the gate member 8, while a sheet of paper on the side of the gate member 8 cannot be delivered between the roller...
The result can also be interpreted as electron trapping in a trap with an initial positive charge (as Ec-3.1 eV carbon-related or Mg-related deep acceptor). They are associated with charges corresponding to the electrons localized in the interface with more than 0.25 eV [2,11,12,13]. ...
In addition, the deterioration of the interface due to the oxidation source borne by the high-κ materials was observed, and the effective passivation of the germanium surface is still an open question [3]. In order to minimize the deterioration of the interface and suppress the growth of the...
Figure 11 shows the aircraft presence probability 𝑝𝑖𝑡pit for all the aircraft assigned to gates 7 and 8 in the solution obtained using the probabilistic FGAP model, as shown in Figure 10b, versus the actual times the aircraft were present at gates 7 and 8. The overlap probability be...