Li, B., Ming, D. GATSol, an enhanced predictor of protein solubility through the synergy of 3D structure graph and large language modeling. BMC Bioinformatics 25, 204 (2024). Download citation Received20 December 2023 Accepted29 May 2024 Published...
CASE-control methodPROTEINSHYPERTENSIONPreeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy that usually starts after the 20th week of pregnancy and affects 2 -8% of pregnant women worldwide. In preeclampsia, glomerular endothelial damage, formation of podocituria and tubular hyper...
中华人民共和国公共安全行业标准 G A/T985 2023 代替G A/T985 2012 法庭科学立体痕迹石膏制模提取方法 F o r e n s i c s c i e n c e s M e t h o d s f o r c a s t i n g t h r e e-d i m e n s i o n a l i m p r e s s i o n s b y u s i n...
GAT1215-2023幼儿园及中小学校园交通设施设计规范 前言 为了保障幼儿园及中小学校园师生的生命安全和交通顺畅,提高校园交通设施的合理性和人性化设计,根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》、《城市道路和交通设施设计规范》等相关法律法规,制定本规范。 本规范适用于新建、改建和扩建的幼儿园及中小学校园交通设施设计。
太阳雨空气能荣膺“2023国资国企精选供应商十强” 3月22日,《2023国资国企精选供应商十强榜单》在河北雄安正式发布,本届行业评选活动,由明源云采购、明源供应链研究院共同发起,首次依托国资国企标准展开高规格甄选,并由国资国企采购专家亲自评比形成。 评选历时2个多月,以明源云采购4800+入驻采购商的23万+条采购...
Finally, it was shown that nematode densities of 2500 M. hapla/plant had no negative impact on plant growth and did not cause any symptoms on aboveground plant parts.Ilya, NoskovHanna, BlumHansjrg, KomnikJohannes, HallmannJulius-Kühn-Archiv...
GAT1215-2023学校周围交通系统规划标准英文版 Title: Planning Standards for the School Surrounding Transportation System GAT1215-2023 Introduction: The transportation system around schools is a crucial aspect that directly impacts the safety and convenience of students, parents, and staff. The planning ...
GAT1215-2023幼儿园与中小学的交通设施规划与规范 1.引言 本文档旨在提供关于幼儿园与中小学交通设施规划与规范的指导。交通设施的规划和规范对于保障学生和幼儿的安全以及交通效率至关重要。本文档将提供一些建议和策略,以确保交通设施的合理规划和良好管理。 2.交通设施规划 2.1幼儿园交通设施规划 在幼儿园交通设施的...
Then we obtain multi-view features including semantics, syntactic, and sentiment features through GAT based on the enhanced graph by external knowledge. We also design a new strategy for fusing multi-view features using the feature parallel frame and convolution method. Eventually, ...