此外,Smooth C和Smooth T程序使压缩机和涡轮机图可以轻松,准确地准备以用于性能仿真程序。 2、工作线 在GasTurb中,工作线是从最大功率到怠速的完整性能曲线。点之间的距离定义为气体发生器阀芯速度,推力或轴功率相等的步长。一次运行即可计算出许多工作线。 3、任务 GasTurb可以一次模拟一个完整的飞行任务。它也...
Smooth C and Smooth T These programs can be used to quickly generate high-quality compressor / turbine maps from measured or published data. Their features include: Extraction of map data from literature Comparison of different maps Cross-plots to check whether the maps represent a reasonable descr...
Smooth C 9 demo versionWorks on Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11. Cannot be used on virtual machines. Download Size: 92 MB Smooth T 9 demo versionWorks on Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11. Cannot be used on virtual machines. Download Size: 85 MBUser...
Smooth C © t h g i r y p o C April 2013 14 33m - 26p Corrected Flow at Compressor Exit Cranfield 3-Stage High Speed Axial - ASME GT2005-68792 Exit Corr Flow Contours 2.4 2.2 2 o i t a R 1.8 s s e r P 1.6 1.4 e k z r u K m 1.2 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 h c ...
Smooth C 8.3 Smooth T 8.2 Map Collection 3 Manual (PDF) 及运行配套必需的硬件设备 三、单一来源采购的必要性 发动机性能仿真是计算发动机整体功率、热效率、推力等主要性能参数,讲授 和探索各主要热力参数对发动机性能影响规律的重要工具。目前世界几大发动 ...
GasTurb14-之3--SmoothC9-C曲线SmoothT9-T曲线设计工艺分析! - 王海航(mangowang)于20240125发布在抖音,已经收获了1.1万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Smooth C o C April 2013 11 35m - 24p Map Scaling - Single Speed Line ds = design point efficiency dsRC = design point efficiency Peak Eff Point @ Speed without Reynolds correction dsM = efficiency in the unscaled map at the design point (NT)ds , ds Efficiency in unscaled ...
Smooth C 9 demo versionWorks on Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11. Cannot be used on virtual machines. Download Size: 92 MB Smooth T 9 demo versionWorks on Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11. Cannot be used on virtual machines. Download Size: 85 MBUser...
Smooth C and Smooth T These programs can be used to quickly generate high-quality compressor / turbine maps from measured or published data. Their features include: Extraction of map data from literature Comparison of different maps Cross-plots to check whether the maps represent a reasonable descr...