Usama Abu-HeijaEast Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN;Saqr AlsakarnehUniversity of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO;Omar Al Ta'aniAllegheny Health Network, Pittsburgh, PA;Asaiel MakahlehEast Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN;Syed Madeeha Sadiq...
However, LES pressure decreased in the 4tn postnatal wk corresponding with 36 wk PCA. We studied 26 additional infants of similar PCA who had apnea that was treated beginning at 7. 7 + 1 .1 d with theophylline (THEO). The mean LES pressure in these infants was 69.2 + 9.4 mm Hg ...
Interactions between PPI and other drugs require constant attention, particularly in the elderly who are more likely to take multiple medications. Interactions with diazepam, warfarin, phenytoin, and methotrexate need to be considered [84]. FRQ-2: What is recommended as the initial treatment for NER...
m i l a r t o those obtained with HM feeding than does feeding CF, and t h a t such i n d i c e s w i l l not he achieved unless TN content of formula is reduced, r e g a r d l e s s o f r e l a t i v e whey t o c a s e i n r a t i o s ...
potential biomarkers of NAFLD. Variations of miRNAs, including miR-122, miR-192, mir-19a, miR-19b, miR-125b, and miR-375, were shown to significantly up-regulated in the serum in both NAFL and NASH [111]. However, miR-122 level was significatnly higher in NASH compared to NAFL [...