Wilson SE, Deeks SL, Rosella LC. Importance of ICD-10 coding directive change for acute gastroenteritis (unspecified) for rotavirus vaccine impact studies: illustration from a population-based cohort study from Ontario, Canada. BMC Res Notes. 2015;8:439....
Additional file 1: List of ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes for non-bacterial gastroenteritis, bacterial gastroenteritis, and dehydration.(PDF 77 KB) 13052_2013_344_MOESM2_ESM.pdf Additional file 2: Figure S1: Percentages of hospital admissions for gastroenteritis and dehydration by region (<3 months)....
Methods As part of an observational surveillance conducted during the RV seasons 2000/2001 to 2011/2012, we analysed hospital discharge data collected retrospectively from two Finnish hospitals (Oulu and Tampere), concerning ICD 10 codes A00-09 (acute gastroenteritis, AGE) and A08.0 (rotaviral ...
Methods We analysed childhood hospital admissions rates by ICD 10 codes for allergic gastroenteritis ( AG ) and infective gastroenteritis in Australia and New Zealand between June 1998 and July 2014. Results In Australia, most AG ‐related admissions (73%) occurred in those aged <1?year and ...
Importance of ICD-10 coding directive change for acute gastroenteritis (unspecified) for rotavirus vaccine impact studies: illustration from a population-based cohort study from Ontario, Canada. BMC Res Notes. 2015;8:439.Wilson SE, Deeks SL, Rosella LC (2015) Importance of ICD-10 coding ...
Admissions with selected diagnoses were extracted based on ICD-10 coding. Deprivation data were obtained from the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2007 for England. A total of 20,571 unique hospital admissions were made by children, in England, with RVGE (n=1334; 6.5%) together with a ...
Of those re-admitted with RVGE or NRV, 26.9% had previously been admitted with another gastrointestinal condition (ICD-10 chapter 11 code), and 32.4% with an ICD-10 chapter 18 code (all other category).ConclusionRe-admission occurs more frequently with RVGE than with NRV, while also ...
Figure 1. (A) Number of RVGE hospitalizations (code ICD9CM 008.61) in primary (PD) and secondary diagnosis (SD) among children <6 y of age in 2005-2012. Number of RVPD hospitalizations trend-test: b-coefficient D 隆253; p<0.014; number of RVSD hospitalizations trend-test: b-coeffi-...
It was shown that four oral doses of as little as 5 μg NVCP VLPs without any adjuvant triggered serum NV-specific anti-IgG response in the majority (8/11) of VLP-fed iCD1 outbred mice [106]. Systemic IgG response was observed after two oral dosages, and the highest titer was ...
METHODS. We identified medically-attended acute gastroenteritis (MAAGE) encounters among Kaiser Permanente Northwest members of all ages based on ICD-10 diagnostic codes, occurring from 11/17/2023-4/18/2024. Participants were asked to complete surveys which included questions about their level of ...