Wilson SE, Deeks SL, Rosella LC. Importance of ICD-10 coding directive change for acute gastroenteritis (unspecified) for rotavirus vaccine impact studies: illustration from a population-based cohort study from Ontario, Canada. BMC Res Notes. 2015;8:439....
Methods As part of an observational surveillance conducted during the RV seasons 2000/2001 to 2011/2012, we analysed hospital discharge data collected retrospectively from two Finnish hospitals (Oulu and Tampere), concerning ICD 10 codes A00-09 (acute gastroenteritis, AGE) and A08.0 (rotaviral ...
It was shown that four oral doses of as little as 5 μg NVCP VLPs without any adjuvant triggered serum NV-specific anti-IgG response in the majority (8/11) of VLP-fed iCD1 outbred mice [106]. Systemic IgG response was observed after two oral dosages, and the highest titer was ...
Methods We analysed childhood hospital admissions rates by ICD 10 codes for allergic gastroenteritis ( AG ) and infective gastroenteritis in Australia and New Zealand between June 1998 and July 2014. Results In Australia, most AG ‐related admissions (73%) occurred in those aged <1?year and ...
Of those re-admitted with RVGE or NRV, 26.9% had previously been admitted with another gastrointestinal condition (ICD-10 chapter 11 code), and 32.4% with an ICD-10 chapter 18 code (all other category).ConclusionRe-admission occurs more frequently with RVGE than with NRV, while also ...
Material and Methods Five months prospective study regarding all ICD 10 A00-A09 (Intestinal infectious diseases) discharged patients and a subgroup of outpatients treated in Emergency Department. Children up to 5 years with no significant comorbid conditions or immune-deficiency were included. Parents ...
Importance of ICD-10 coding directive change for acute gastroenteritis (unspecified) for rotavirus vaccine impact studies: illustration from a population-based cohort study from Ontario, Canada. BMC Res Notes. 2015;8:439.Wilson SE, Deeks SL, Rosella LC (2015) Importance of ICD-10 coding ...
Patients who did not have a discharge diagnosis (based on ICD-9 code) of vomiting or gastroenteritis (GE) were defined as non-GE patients. Patient age, initial triage level (1 the lowest acuity, 5 the highest), route of ondansetron administration (enteral versus parenteral), primary diagnosis...
Additional file 1: List of ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes for non-bacterial gastroenteritis, bacterial gastroenteritis, and dehydration.(PDF 77 KB) 13052_2013_344_MOESM2_ESM.pdf Additional file 2: Figure S1: Percentages of hospital admissions for gastroenteritis and dehydration by region (<3 months)....
Methods As part of an observational surveillance conducted during the RV seasons 2000/2001 to 2011/2012, we analysed hospital discharge data collected retrospectively from two Finnish hospitals (Oulu and Tampere), concerning ICD 10 codes A00-09 (acute gastroenteritis, AGE) and A08.0 (rotaviral ...