Associated with loss of appetite, vomiting and 16-pound weight loss in 3 months. He never smoked, drank alcohol or used over the counter pain medications. He was profoundly anemic requiring blood transfusions. EGD performed demonstrated very large clean-based ulcer of 5 cm diameter in the b...
to side effectslikegastricupset,ulceroreven bleeding, patients can take it with food, [...] 由於長期服用阿司匹靈有可能導致胃部不適、潰瘍甚或胃出血等副作用,因此病人可飽肚服用、選擇有腸衣保護的阿司匹靈或同時服用胃酸抑制劑如法莫替丁(Famotidi ne...
Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) develops when the protective mechanisms of the gastrointestinal mucosa, such as mucus and bicarbonate secretion, are overwhelmed by the damaging effects of gastric acid and pepsin. Symptoms include abdominal pain with severity relating to mealtimes, after around 3 hours of...
Up to 70% of patients with peptic ulcers can beasymptomatic. Forsymptomatic patients, peptic ulcers can present withepigastric painassociated with eating; classically, gastric ulcer pain is exacerbated immediately after eating, whilst duodenal ulcer pain is worse 2-4 hours after eating (or even alle...
Is this normal progression for an ulcer or should I push for an endoscopy to rule out cancer? I am a 40 year old female with no previous stomach issues and have eaten very healthy over the past year (since the dermatitis appeared). My internal medicine doc cleared me of several autoimmune...
What is an ulcer? An ulcer is a small wound that occurs in the stomach (gastric ulcer) or the first portion of the small intestine (duodenal ulcer). Although symptoms of a peptic ulcer may be absent or quite vague, most peptic ulcers are associated with abdominal discomfort noted 45-60 ...
are many different types of bariatric surgeries.I would like to know which one you underwent. Because it is very important for future prognosis.Any other medical illness?Are you on any medications?Please get back to me with these information and I would provide my opinion.Regards,Dr.R.K.
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed no evidence of peptic ulcer disease or cancer but did show hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. She underwent endoscopic balloon dilation of the pyloric sphincter, with immediate symptomatic relief andresolution of gastric dilatation. Within a few days, the patient ...
Complications arise if a peptic ulcer penetrates the surrounding organs, that is, the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, or bile ducts. If the ulcer destroys the entire wall of the stomach or intestine, perforation of the abdominal cavity occurs, causing peritonitis and sharp abdominal pain. Another ...
FIG 4. Perforated gastric ulcer. Axial (A) and sagittal (B) CT images show a defect along the inferior wall of the stomach (arrow) with free intraperitoneal air and ascites, findings that were confirmed at surgery. Coronal CT in a different patient (C) with oral contrast seen passing thro...