What is gastric sleeve surgery? It’s weight loss surgery to remove part of your stomach, leaving the left side in a long, sleeve-like shape. This reduces your stomach size, limiting the amount you can eat. It also changes the way your hormones work, so you’ll feel full more quickly...
A long term effect has not yet been established as the stand-alone gastric sleeve surgery approach is relatively new. However, if the weight loss is inadequate after the initial procedure, then a malabsorptive bariatric surgery such as a duodenal switch can be performed in order to encourage ...
First off, its a surgery of the stomach, the gastric sleeve surgeon will eliminate almost 80 percent of patient’s stomach. This reshapes the stomach into a tube like shape hence where the surgery name comes from sleeve surgery. This is a laparoscopic surgery, meaning the surgeon will only ...
19 Years Focused Only On The Gastric Sleeve Lose the Weight AND Keep It Off with Gastric Sleeve Surgery It’s not just the number between our toes. It’s the monthly doctor’s visit, taking blood work only to find our health is deteriorating more and more… It’s daily medications and ...
Dr. Micheal Feiz is a Gastric Sleeve surgeon in Los Angeles who offers weight loss surgery procedures to help his patients.
Are you considering gastric sleeve surgery because you've trieddietsand exercise for years and still have a lot ofweightto lose? You'll want to know the risks and benefits, what makes someone a good candidate for the operation, and what long-term commitments you need to make to keep the ...
Effective weight loss: People often lose 60-70% of their excess weight after gastric sleeve surgery, and most are able to keep it off long-term. May reduce symptoms of weight-related medical conditions: Weight loss surgery can reduce symptoms of conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease,...
How does Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery Work? Gastric sleeve surgery (or gastric sleeve resection) is one of the newer types of weight loss surgery and is steadily increasing in popularity. While the majority of weight loss surgery done in the beginning was gastric bypass, gastric sleeve is...
Bariatric surgeryOutpatient surgeryAmbulatory surgeryBackground: Sleeve gastrectomy, with its short operating time, is possible to perform as same-day surgery, with the most common reason for requiring overnight hospital stay being postoperative nausea and vomiting....
Gastric Sleeve Surgery is where most of the stomach is removed, reducing stomach volume and eliminating production of the hunger hormone. Contact us to learn more about having this surgery performed at our surgery center.