Complete saturation of the feed gas is ensured by injecting the gas into the flooded portion of an indirectly heated tubular saturation zone.PETTERSON, WILLIAM C.MORGAN, STEPHEN W.WELLS, THOMAS A.CHERISH, PETER
A preliminary direct methanation step can be carried out prior to any needed preconditioning step.HNATOW, MIGUEL A.BAJARS, LAIMONISHAPPEL, JOHN
(2008) GASSHO1 and GAS- SHO2 encoding a putative leucine-rich repeat transmembrane-type receptor kinase are essential for the normal development of the epidermal surface in Arabidopsis embryos. Plant J. 54, 30-42.Tsuwamoto, R., Fukuoka, H. and Takahata, Y....
A system for offshore production of oil or gas, comprising a surface vessel having a means for maintaining a desired position and orientation, a bottom installation at the seabed for at least two production wells, and risers for connecting the bottom installation to the vessel. The vessel is ...
The present invention provides a gasification system, more particularly a biomass gasification system comprising at least one gasifier (1) surrounded by a water jacket (11) and at least one gas cleaning and cooling system. The present invention also provides a process for the same.RAI SINGH ...
A system for offshore production of oil or gas, comprising a surface vessel having a means for maintaining a desired position and orientation, a bottom installation at the seabed for at least two production wells, and risers for connecting the bottom installation to the vessel. The vessel is ...
The sleeve-shaped turret (16) works alone during test production, but is connected to the buoy (30) so that together they form a turret (16, 30) in regular production.SMEDAL, ARNEB°RSETH, KNUT
A turbine blade includes a plurality of cooling passages each having a turbulated section of the passage preferentially located along the portion of the turbine blade subjected to the highest temperature. Thus, turbulent air flow is provided in intermediate sections of the blade to enhance the heat...