[Xi] Irritant RISK PHRASES: R10, R20/21, R38 Date of Last Revision: 1/3/2012 Page 2 of 9 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 202-436-9 1433 1 – 5% Benzene 71-43-2 200-753-7 0015 0.5 – 3.5% Hexane 110-54-3 203-777-6 0279...
Gasohol; Unleaded Gasoline with Ethanol 产品说明书 Page 1 of 5 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET CHS Inc.Transportation Emergency (CHEMTREC): 1-800-424-9300 P.O. Box 64089 Technical Information: 1-651-355-8443 Mail station 525 MSDS Information: 1-651-355-8438 St. Paul, MN 55164-0089 PRODU...
MATERIALSAFETYDATASHEET 1.Product&CompanyIdentification ProductName:Unleadedgasoline AdditionalProductnames:RegularUnleadedGasoline,PremiumUnleadedGasoline Manufacturer:Supplier:EmergencyContact: OmanRefineryCompanyLLC.OmanRefineryCompanyLLC.Phone(+968)24570999
Furthermore, the pinholes in the coating are enlarged as the coated sheet is drawn thereby further exposing more of the metal surface. These exposed surfaces, subjected to the direct environment, readily begin to corrode and over time compromise the structural integrity and safety of the gasoline...
1.3.Detailsofthesupplierofthesafetydatasheet Supplier: 95/97OctaneUnleadedGasoline BPUltimateUnleaded95/97Octane-SpecialBPformula RevisionDate03.01.2013 PreparationDate01.12.2009 Revision1.11 Labelling ToxicExtremelyflammableDangerousfortheenvironment 2/15 ...
real gasoline fire resulting from a spill or discharge. Gasoline “Petrol Super 95 (BS95)” was obtained from Slvonaft. At the time of the experiment, gasoline contained 10% ETBE (ethoxy-2-methylpropane content). All fuel details are given in the Material Safety Data Sheet of gasoline [...