Enter the electric car efficiency in miles per gallon gasoline equivalent below to convert it to miles per kilowatt-hour. Mile per Gallon Gasoline Equivalent Value: SWAP UNITS Result in Miles per Kilowatt-Hour: 1 MPGe = 0.029669 mi/kWh ...
Convert miles per kilowatt-hour to miles per gallon gasoline equivalent with this simple formula: MPGe = mi/kWh × 33.705 Insert the mi/kWh efficiency measurement in the formula and then solve to find the result. LATEST VIDEOS For example,let's convert 50 mi/kWh to MPGe: ...
BUYING a gasoline-fueled automobile before there were gas stations was one of those supply-will-follow-demand acts of faith.Today, supply is preceding demand when it comes to natural gas. For the equivalent of 60 to 70 cents a gallon, compressed natural gas (CNG) can be pumped at street-...
2. Diesel fuel contains more energy per gallon than gas. 3. Diesel engines have higher compression ratios. Now modern gas engines have some answers to those issues which is part of the reason the gap has closed, and diesels are finally subject to stringent emissions standa...
Enter the electric car efficiency in kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers below to convert it to miles per gallon gasoline equivalent. Kilowatt-Hour per 100 Kilometers Value: SWAP UNITS Result in Miles per Gallon Gasoline Equivalent: 1 kWh/100km = 2,094.331603 MPGe ...