Haveafixedshape Arehard Arerunny SOLID LIQUID GAS Canbeeasilysquashed TaketheshapeofcontainerCanbestirred Canbepoured Fillanyspacetheyareputin Solids,liquids,gases Descriptionofsubstance Key Water Air Can’tbesquashed Solids Spreadstofillcontainer FlowsKeepsthesamevolumeCanchangeshape LiquidsGases Can’tbe...
Solids have a definite shape and volume. Liquids have a definite volume but take the shape if their container. Gases take the shape and volume of their container, Air is a mixture of different gases that have no color. While air is invisible, it is an example of matter, thus has mass ...
Chapter 11GasesChemistry 25Properties of Gases? Expand to completely fill their container.? Take the shape of their container.? Low density.• Much less than solid or liquid state.? Compressible.? Mixtures of gases are always homogeneous.? Fluid....
Normally, these formless substances completely fill the space, and take the shape of, their container. '. Previous 5 Terms: Gas well productivity Gas-cooled reactor Gaseous diffusion Gaseous diffusion plant Gaseous supersaturation Next 5 Terms: Gasification gasiform Gasohol Gasohol Gasoil...
they regain their original shape which implies that rubbers have a definite shape that satisfies the condition that all solids have a definite shape, volume and don't follow like liquids or do not lose their shape under a force or do not take the shape of the container they are kept in....
This is why solids hold their shape like a desk or a wooden block. 这就是为什么固体能保持桌子或木块的形状。 In a liquid, the molecules are a little farther apart. 在液体中,分子之间的距离稍远一些。 This is why liquids take the shape of whatever container they are put in, because the ...
Definite shape and volume Bonds are very strongDoes not take on the shape of a container Properties of a liquid Particles move more freelyMolecules move average speedDefinite shape but no definite volumehard to compressBonds are weaker than a solidTakes the shape of a container Properties of a ...
Liquid take the shape of the container they’re put in. Atoms loosely packed together. 4. Describe the properties of a solid. Solids have a definite shape. Atoms are very close together and basically not moving around. 5. Describe the properties of a gas. Spreads out as far as it can ...
3 - A gas will have the same volume as its container4 - Gases can be poured from one container to another 2 Which one of these best describes a solid?1 - My particles are packed tightly together. I keep my shape.2 - My particles are loosely packed. I take the shape of my ...
The liquids take the s 14、hapes of the glasses. 23560_001-016.indd 1123560_001-016.indd 1112/30/05 1:47:53 PM12/30/05 1:47:53 PM Gases A gas can change size and shape. A gas takes the shape of its container. It also fi lls up its container. 12 Air fi lls the balloon....