Two elements make up the overwhelming majority of the sun's matter, by mass: hydrogen (about 70 percent) and helium (about 28 percent). Note, if you see different numbers, don't fret; you're probably seeing estimates according to the total number of individual atoms. We're going by mas...
The collision of a strong shock with a gas cloud - A model for Cassiopeia A Faint emission patches to the north of Cas A are interpreted as preshocked clouds which will probably become quasi-stationary condensations after being hit...
Opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. Leaded fuel, or avgas, was banned from cars in the 1980s due to its health dangers, particularly its effect on children’s brains, but is still used in small piston-engine pla...
Astronomical Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSRKluwer Academic PublishersSpace Science ReviewsMustel , E.: 1964, ‘Quasi-stationary emission of gases from the sun’, Space Sci. Rev. 3 , 139–231.Mustel’, E.: Quasi-stationary emission of gases from the sun. Space Sci. Rev. ...
The sun is a hot ball of glowing gases. It is also the centre of our solar system. There are eight planets in the solar system.The earth is the third planet from the sun. The planets circle the sun.The sun warms and lights the earth. Every living thing needs the sun. The sun ...
就新Our sun is a star. Like all stars, it is a mass of (一大团) very hot gases. The sunˈs energy doesnˈt come from burning fuels (燃料). The sunˈs energy comes from its nuclear fusion (核聚变).就新 How big is the sun? Its diameter, the distance across its center, ...
阅读理解。 We experience different forms of the Sun's energy every day. We can see its light and feel its warmth. The Sun is the major source of evaporation (蒸发) of water from the oceans and lakes. Sunlight also providesthe energy used by green plants to make their own food. These ...
英语考试The atmosphere is a blanket of gases around the Earth,For thousands of years these gases have kept the planet's temperature at about 15°C.How?By trapping some of the sun's heat,But now,because of pollution,there are more and more hot gas
四、阅读理解。Our sun is a star. Like all stars, it is a star of (太阳)very hot gases. The sun
Our sun is a star. Like all stars, it is a mass of ( 一大团)very hot gases. The sun’s en