Argon was useful in the manufacture of gas-filled electric light bulbs, where its lower heat conductivity and chemical inertness made it preferable to nitrogen for inhibiting the vaporization of the tungsten filament and prolonging the life of the bulb. Fluorescent tubes commonly contain a m...
When several layers are used, they may be covered by different luminescent salts. The screen material may be applied to the lamp bulb or tube, or a surrounding bulb or and may enclose the light-source wholly-or in part. The screen layer is protected by varnish or a colourless envelope....
The basic calibration can be carried out in two ways: either directly or indirectly. The direct calibration implies that this part of the equipment can be isolated, removed and weighed (either evacuated or filled with dry air), filled with an outgassed liquid of known density and then weighed...
The bulb is filled with inert gas, such as nitrogen, argon, or mercury vapour, at a working pressure of about 1 atmosphere. High electric pressure is used for starting.
The bulb is filled with inert gas, such as nitrogen, argon, or mercury vapour, at a working pressure of about 1 atmosphere. High electric pressure is used for starting.
Electric supply wires may be led into the lamp as shown, or a battery may be housed in the top of the chamber 1. The lamp bulb 5 is secured by a union ring 27 engaging a, flange on its cap 24. The bulb contacts 23 are recessed to receive the contact plungers 21. A glass 6 is...
In a device for signalling the escape of illuminating gas comprising a differential thermometer having two gas filled bulbs connected by a capillary tube one of the bulbs being surrounded by a catalyst, the temperature of both bulbs is kept above that of the surrounding air by the provision of...
2, of the d'Arsonval type is employed, being fitted with a glass tube f which is filled with conducting- liquid and acts as the cathode ; the anode consists of a metal ring g fixed on the outside of the bulb. In the discharge apparatus shown in Fig. 3, the discharge takes place ...