The microstructure evolution during the liquid-liquid phase transformation of monotectic alloys is a result of the common actions of many factors. 偏晶合金非常广泛,许多具有重要的工业应用前景,但该类合金具有液态组元不混溶温度区间,当均一的合金熔体冷却进入组元不混溶温度区间时,它分解成两个液相,即发...
4) liquid-gas phase transition 液气相变 1. The critical properties of the liquid-gas phase transition of hot nuclear matter have been calculated. 利用这一扩展的理论模型,研究了热核物质的状态方程和液气相变现象并计算了临界温度,讨论了三体核力对液气相变临界点性质的影响并与Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-...
The present invention discloses a gas-liquid phase change magnetic fluid thermoacoustic engine driven power generation system comprising a loop thermoacoustic device launch, magnetic fluid, power generation equipment, the engine device includes a sound loop heat pipe loop, the loop pipeline comprising: ...
Our results confirm that a gas/liquid phase change actuator can be used in high temperature environments. 展开 关键词: Actuator Gas/liquid phase change High temperature Triethylene glycol Bellow DOI: 10.1186/s40648-016-0041-7 被引量: 2
phase change from liquid to gasLogin
ajumpattheliquid-gasphasetransition(evaporation).Thisisthebestexampleofa first-orderphasetransition,whereallthephysicalquantitiescharacterizingthemate- rialundergoasuddenchange.Generally,thetwophasesarequitedifferentatfirstorder transitions,andthusittakesafiniteamountofenergytoconvertthesubstancefromone phas...
An experimental study on the flow patterns and their transitions for gas-liquid two-phase upward flow in an inclined tube is carried out ,with the inclination angle ranging from 0to 20 degree,Correlatins are derived to predict the transitions from annular flow to slugflow,from dispersed bubble...
(1) The hydrate particle deposited in the gas phase; (2) the hydrate particle deposited in the liquid film is drawn back to the gas phase due to liquid film atomization. The rate law expressing the rate of change of the hydrate concentration with time can be expressed as [47,48]: (3...
liquid velocities and the flow pattern transition around the bend and at the T-junction was carefully examined.The results show that under the condition of vertically upward inlet tube and the bubble flow pattern,the gas is mainly subjected to buoyant force and the liquid to gravitational force....
aThe experinents demonstrate that the gas-liquid reaction becomes gas film controlling as the cobalt ethylenediamine concentration exceeds when there is 1200 ppm SO in the gas phase experinents显示出,气液的反应成为气体影片控制,当钴乙二胺含量超出,当如此有1200 ppm在气相 [translate] ...