油层物理学:Section4 Properties of Natural Gas Section4PropertiesofNaturalGas Naturalgasisacombustiblegasproducedfromsubsurfaceformation.Thephysicalpropertiesofnaturalgas,suchascomposition(组成),specificgravity(相对密度),formationvolumefactor(气体的体积系数),compressibilityfactor(压缩系数),viscosity(粘度),etc,are...
two new correlations are first presented for calculating the pseudo- critical pressure and temperature of the gas mixture as a function of the gas specific gravity.Then,a simple correlation on the basis of the standard gas compressibility factor chart is introduced for a quick estimation of sweet...
Equation 1.34: Alternative pseudocritical temperature calculation using specific gravity (1.34)TpC=94.72+170.75γ Where: TpC: Pseudocritical temperature (Kelvin) γ: Gas specific gravity (dimensionless) The next step is to calculate the pseudocritical reduced pressure and pseudocritical reduced temperature...
Properties of the evolved gas including the composition of the liberated gas, the gas compressibility factor, and the gas specific gravity ○ Density of the remaining oil as a function of pressure The differential liberation test is considered to better describe the separation process taking place in...
000 Table 1 - First Stage Tubing or Pipe Sizing * 10 PSIG Inlet with a 1 PSIG Pressure Drop (Between First and Second Stage Regulators) Maximum capacity of pipe or tubing in thousands of BTU/hr of undiluted LP-Gases (Propane) (Based on 1.50 Specific Gravity Gas) e Size of Pipe or ...
As a function of specific gravity (air = 1.0), Sutton (1985) provides Tpc=169.2+349.5γg−74.0γg2 (5) Ppc=756.8−131.07γg−3.6γg2 (6) A plot of 5346 data points covering a full range of pseudo-reduced temperatures(1.15≤Tpr≤3)and pseudo-reduced pressures(0.2≤Ppr≤15...
are first blended with a lower specific gravity com- For normal applications, a minimum of a 3:l patible liquid, or the specific gravity of the wash weight ratio of magnesium to vanadium is recom- water itself is increased with magnesium sulfate. mended with a maximum value of 3:5...
(based on a 0.60 specific gravity gas) Tubing Size 1/2" CTS 3/4" IPS 1" CTS 1" IPS 1-1/4" IPS 1-1/2" IPS 2" IPS 5 10 15 3529 2369 1877 20291 13621 10789 26309 17661 13988 37487 25164 19931 67362 45220 35816 72320 49705 39915 190283 127734 101171 20 1590 9144 11856 16893...
The hydrate formation chart given by Guo and Ghalambor (2005) shows that a natural gas with specific gravity of 0.70 should form gas hydrate at 300 psia and 49°F. Therefore the air flow rate of 4500 scfm should cause ice/hydrate balling problem. If an air flow rate of 3000 scfm is ...
In their work, the California Natural Gas Association method is used to model compressibility as a function of specific gravity and pressure. The sources feeding the transmission network do not necessarily supply gas with equal specific gravity. In their model, they assumed that when different flow...