The importance of particle phase turbulence on the predicted flow patterns for gas-solid flow in risers is shown using the commercial CFD code Fluent.Jennifer SinclairHeshmat Massah1998 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM'98)...
论文笔记-Modeling of dynamic characteristic of particle in transient gas–solid flow via a machine learning approach 对象:气固两相流+数值模拟 方法:RCNN=RNN+CNN 目标:学习颗粒流的时间和空间不均匀性并预测颗粒动态 关注特征:关注颗粒不均匀性对颗粒动力学的独特影响,旨在提出一种基于机器学习的方法来建模颗...
Gas-solid flows are involved in numerous industrial processes and occur in various natural phenomena. This authoritative book addresses the fundamental principles that govern gas-solid flows and the application of these principles to various gas-solid flow systems. The book is arranged in two parts:...
(0个评分) 文集编号: 2017052709731 文档介绍 Gas-Solid Flow and Shaft Injected Gas Penetration in an Oxygen Blast Furnace Analyzed Using a Three-Dimensional DEM-CFD Coupling Mathematical Model.pdf 文档标签:EDEM征集案例EDEM 贡献者 李苏克管理员 ...
1) dense gas-solid flow 稠相气固流 2) dense phase "稠相,浓相" 补充资料:密密稠稠 1.形容浓密。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。
CFD-DEM simulation of the gas-solid flow in a cyclone separator 热度: Simulation of Granular and Gas-Solid Flow Using Discrete Element Method 热度: hydrodynamics in a bubble column at elevated pressures and turbulence energy distribution in bubbling gas-liquid and gas-liquid-solid flow systems...
Three-dimensionalnumericalsimulationofgas-solidflowbehaviorinspout-fluidbedZhongWen,iXiongYuan,uanYuanZhulinZhangMingyao ,KeyLaboratoryofCleanCoalPowerGenerationandCombustionTechnologyofMinistryofEducation,SoutheastUniversity,Nanjing210096(China) Abstract,Numericalsimulationofgas-solidflowbehaviorsinaspout-fluidbedcoalgasif...
Internal baffles improved break-up and redistribution of bubbles and intensified the gas–solid contact. The simulation results also indicated that appropriate modification of the internal configuration eliminated the dead flow region in the strippers, and enhanced the gas–solid mixing remarkably, showing...
The effect of solid loading ratio is studied and analysed in terms of gas and solid flow structures, and the particle–gas, particle–particle and particle–wall interaction forces. It is found that the gas pressure drop increases first and then decreases when solids are loaded. The reaction ...
Yang, Cfd simulation of gas solid flow in fcc strippers, Chemical Engineering Science 63 (7) (2008) 1827-1841.Gao J S,Chang J,Xu C M,Lan X Y,Yang Y.CFD simulation of gas solid flow in FCC strippers. Chemical Engineering Science . 2008...