ensuring reliable electrical supply, and fighting climate change,” saidRamesh Singaram, President and CEO, Asia of GE Vernova’s Gas Power.“We are committed on delivering reliable, stable, cost-effective energy that supports energy providers, like EnergyAustralia,...
Some providers can do some quality work in your home and keep you free from these unwanted fungi. Mold not only affects the aesthetics of your space but can also be harmful to occupants’ health since it can cause breathing difficulties, diseases, and allergies. Mold stains usually appear in...
Service providers and community members discussed the effects of living and working conditions associated with the mining sector in all regions. There was concern for the impact of shift work on families and social behaviour of mine employees in the community. Service providers commented on a marked...
Under the Australian Government’s Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme, electricity providers are required to meet regulated renewable energy obligations [15]. The Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) provides financial incentives for emission reduction technologies through the governmental purchase of carbon ...
Consequently, the signal strength and coverage provided by service providers may be limited in these locations. During our research, we explored access to multiple landfill sites for our experimental deployments. However, only one landfill site agreed to participate in our study. Interestingly, this ...
Search resultsIn the past eight years educational services providers in New South Wales have contribRoss, JayIveta & Tafe Nsw