Organic materials are introduced into the sphere until it is half filled with the gas produced by fermentation is accumulated in the upper half of the sphere.WIDMER Peter
Gas fermentation by Clostridium autoethanogenum, Clostridium carboxidivorans, and Clostridium ljungdahlii triggered solventogenesis at pH < 5.0; while maintain pH at 5.0–6.0, only fatty acids were produced (Abubackar et al., 2016; Fernández-Naveira et al., 2016; Martin et al., 2016). The...
Switchgrass (2, 5 or 15 mm particle size) was the feedstock in submerged substrate (10% w/v) fermentation. The extent of fermentation was evaluated by gas production and compared by analysis of variance with Tukey's test . alone produced 78 kPa cumulative pressure (approx. 680 mL gas) ...
PURPOSE:To recover esters of aromatic components, by bringing an emitted gas from an alcoholic fermentation process into contact with a specific adsorbent. CONSTITUTION:Any of (A) (i) Y type zeolite, prepared by dealumination treatment to adjust the molar ratio SiO2/Al2O3 to >=10, (ii) pe...
The C2H5OH produced by fermentation ranges in concentration from a few percent up to about 14% because it will destroy the zymase enzyme and fermentation stops above this concentration. C2H5OH is normally concentrated by distillation of aqueous solutions, but the composition of the vapor from ...
long term gas fermentation production data has been published from a demonstration facility. It is important to note this facility is running directly off steel mill produced off-gas and operational set-ups are a reality of scaled up operations. The gas fermentation process has proven robust to ...
long term gas fermentation production data has been published from a demonstration facility. It is important to note this facility is running directly off steel mill produced off-gas and operational set-ups are a reality of scaled up operations. The gas fermentation process has proven robust to ...
Many industrial chemicals that are produced from fossil resources could be manufactured more sustainably through fermentation. Here we describe the development of a carbon-negative fermentation route to producing the industrially important chemicals acetone and isopropanol from abundant, low-cost waste gas ...
Another common indirect approach is to measure the headspace gas produced from in vitro fermentation of faecal samples20–23. This method results in more accurate assessment outcomes but limits to the information of the microbial community of the distal colon area. As such, it is critical to ...
during processing include ethane, propane, and butane, as well asheavier hydrocarbons. Propane and butane, along with other gases, are also produced during crude refining as a by-product of the processes thatrearrangeand/or break down molecular structure to obtain more desirable petroleum compounds....