To be sure, getting the aid right is tricky. If you’re too precise, so that people get exactly what they need to offset the higher cost of gasoline, you end up insulating them from higher prices and they over-consume. If you’re not precise enough, you hand out a lot of aid to ...
you end up insulating them from higher prices and they over-consume. If you’re not precise enough, you hand out a lot of aid to people who don’t drive at all and give not very much to people who drive a lot,
Annual holiday feast is likely to see sharply higher prices for turkey and other traditional food items. Nov 17, 2022 Gov. Newsom wants to tax gas company profits to help state's residents Governor Gavin Newsom is scheduled to convene a special session to consider a windfall profit tax on oi...
Gas Guru shows you gas prices in your area and you can filter by price, fuel grade and distance. The data comes from the Oil Price Information Service, or OPIS, a fuel price reporting agency. You can also see what's near the gas station, so if you need to r...
Keep track of gasoline prices, oil prices, future gasoline prices, future oil prices, see predictions, get price prediction, find gasoline prices, see if you\'re getting gouged, find news about diesel prices, ethanol prices, and refinery maintenance and
But don’t go into debt; you don’t want a “holiday hangover,” Cheng said. Other cost-saving tips: Rent a cabin at a state- or county-run recreation area; use discounts you might be entitled to if you’re a member of a certain group; and check out travel sites...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California air regulators voted to approve changes to a key climate program aimed at reducing planet-warming emissions that has a wide swath of critics and could increase gas prices statewide.
I'm not sure if we are ready for that yet, I'm not an expert on the subject, but I hear some saying the technology isn't perfect, prices are high and we don't have many charging stations yet for the new electric vehicles. That being said, New Jersey seems to be getting ready ...
Gas prices pump money away from retailers Prices continue to rise at the gas pump ahead of the holiday season. FOX Business' Jeff Flock with more. "My guess is you’ll start to see gas prices come down as we get by going into the winter, I mean, excuse me, into next year in 202...
Memorial Day holiday weekend, analysts at AAA expect the national average will surpass $3 per gallon. As previously reported by FOX Business, a number of seasonal factors were expected to push prices higher this spring, with analysts expecting a peak near $3 per gallon before prices cooled off...