(1). Interim negative profitability (i.e., loss as a result of operating costs exceeding revenues) can be accommodated for short periods of low gas prices if longer-term gas price and/or operating costs forecast indicates that significant positive cash flows are likely in future production ...
LNG projects are capital-intensive, and it is still hard to make them profitable as market prices for natural gas decrease or supply increases. Hence, LNG is still dominated by long-term contracts, with take-or-pay provisions to limit market risk. The United States has been a leader in th...
technology remaining constant. We introduce innovations to the underlying technology separately, that is, as the outcome of investments in research and development—perhaps partly price-induced—that are directed towards solving problems such as increasing farm incomes, reducing consumer prices of food and...
raw materials, emissions, residues, etc. at each stage along the life cycle of a given product and assesses their potential impacts by applying different impact assessment methods. LCA is standardized
This feasibility study was designed to determine the viability of a landfill gas (LFG) recovery and utilization system at the I-95 Sanitary Landfill. Specific objectives included estimating the quantity and quality of recoverable LFG, evaluating alternatives for LFG use, developing a phased LFG ...
I would save $2.68 on a tank of gas. That is at least $1 more in savings per tank than if I use a brand-specific card that offers a per-gallon reward. And if gas prices continue to rise, my savings per tank is reduced if I use a card based on a set discount per gallon inste...
Prices depend on the market conditions and services, while equipment costs are not expected to change much due to technological maturity. In terms of size, power-specific engine costs do not necessarily scale down well with size, as larger engines tend to be more complex, much heavier per ...
Table 2details the literature on the decline in shale gas prices. We make a brief introduction of the related papers from five aspects: Model name or reference; Purpose; Method; Geographic scope and Time scope. Table 2.Presenting models and methods relating the shale gas prices decline in lite...
Each indicator for one crop rotation was summed across the crops within one crop rotation cycle. The CPI was used to adjust crop prices across years to eliminate inflation or deflation as a source of variability between cases in different years. TableS2lists the crop prices and CPI values for...