Vario are known worldwide for their premium & high end scale RC helicopter kits and mechanics for gas, electric, and turbine powering. They offer theirBenzin gas powered RC helicoptersin several configurations, some of which that can be later adapted for their scale applications. Miniature Aircraft...
We are a proud manufacturer in the United States of America Serving Gas/Petrol Helicopter Flyers since 2009 ! Strongest and Simplest, Bolt-On Gas/Petrol Conversion Kits/Upgrades for Align Trex550, Trex600, Trex700, Trex800, Trex700 Electric, ThunderTiger Raptor 60/90, JSModel TZ90 Frenzy, M...
Speak to people you'll find working in the store and chances are that these people are true blue rc hobbyists as well. There is much you can learn from, so pick their brains well. You'll find these machines to be sleek and powerful, tearing up the terrain in a jiffy and it's ...
While gas turbine machines continued to be ordered and fabricated for electrical generation for their usual end uses (continuous duty, standby duty, and peaking duty), the lower- powered gas turbine machines, those up to 3.5-4 MW, have traditionally been employed in standby duty. As we move ...