say Greenland needs to learn from Alaska 13 Forty-one bid in Norway's latest license round 13 ENI gets approval to drill Barents well 13 Four rigs ready for Barents Sea drilling 13 Russian aircraft buzz Navy ship twice in Arctic 14 Accord paves way for Barents development 14 First non-Rus...
Consequently, data on the influence of turbulence intensity on the thermal and mechanical features of flows can be used in turbine building, engine building, aircraft building, the energy sector, construction, and other related industries. By controlling turbulence intensity, it is possible to improve...
However, at altitudes above 10 km, it does have a minor but increasing impact on global warming (considering cruising aircraft). Global warming potential (GWP100, cumulative forcing over 100 years) numbers for several gases are given in Table 2. NOx emissions, which consist of both NO and ...