PURPOSE: A gas shutoff apparatus of a gas oven is provided to prevent fire by automatically shutting off gas through operation of a solenoid valve with directly contacting the temperature sensor to the heating portion of the cooker to directly detect heating temperature. CONSTITUTION: A gas shut...
Information relating to the possible meanings behind the error Shudown #1 - Oven Shut Off for an Agilent 6890 GC.
Purpose: a kind of Gas shutoff valve system of a gas burner is arranged to close gas burner, if the previously specified time has been passed through by the input of a user, since the temperature of an object reaches predetermined temperature, by installing a thermo-detective material in a...
Shut-off device for pipe i.e. exhaust gas pipe, of heat-producing appliance i.e. oven, has fastening clamp for supporting bearings and for outwardly enclosing more than half of circumference of pipe when device is mounted at pipeThe device has a butterfly valve arranged in a pipe (1) ...
Surplus gas burner, which can be shut off for coke oven originalsPETSCH HERMANN
Surplus gas burner, which can be shut off for coke oven originalsLAMBERTZ DIPL.-ING. GUSTAV
Combined thermostatic and manual shut-off gas valve for oven - has valve discs moved axially by cams on shaftThevalve casing has an inlet (15) and two outlets (16,17). Between the inlet and each outlet there is a valve seat (23, 24). A shaft (18) runs through the valve and can...
Combined thermostatic and manual shut-off gas valve for oven - has valve discs moved axially by cams on shaftThevalve casing has an inlet (15) and two outlets (16,17). Between the inlet and each outlet there is a valve seat (23, 24). A shaft (18) runs through the valve and can...
Combined thermostatic and manual shut-off gas valve for oven - has valve discs moved axially by cams on shaftThevalve casing has an inlet (15) and two outlets (16,17). Between the inlet and each outlet there is a valve seat (23, 24). A shaft (18) runs through the valve and can...