GoalAttainmentScale40GAS41目标成就量表气 系统标签: goalattainmentgasscaleesourainment Good Pr act i ce i n Per son- cent r ed Heal t h Car e The Vict orian Government Policy on improving care for older people st at es t hat t here should be great er emphasis on person- cent red pra...
It outlines the process of setting goals appropriately, so that the achievement of each goal can be measured on a 5-point scale ranging from -2 to +2, and then explains a method for quantifying the outcome in a single aggregated goal attainment score. This method gives a...
Objectives This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) in assessing an intervention for pre-frail senior citizens. Additionally, the study aimed to explain how the GAS goals were established based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and ...
GAS-D, Goal Attainment Scale adapted for depression; MADRS, Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale; PDQ-D-5, Perceived Deficits Questionnaire–Depression 5-item; PGI-C, Patient Global Impressions–Change; SDS, Sheehan Disability Scale; WPAI, Work Productivity and Activity Impairment questionnaire....
摘 要:本文针对中医药临床评价趋于个体化的特点和趋势,提出借鉴循证医学理念和方法,基于目标成就评量(Goal attainment scale,GAS ),建立中医药临床个体化评价方法——循证GAS 法的新思路。关键词:个体化评价,循证GAS 法 中医药的有效性已经数千年的临床验证,但由于缺乏科学客观的证据,其结果不能被广泛...
Goal-oriented rehabilitation of preschoolers with cerebral palsy—a multi-case study of combined use of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) and the Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Goal-oriented rehabilitation of preschoolers with cerebral palsy - a multi-case study of combined use of ...
Multiple strategies can contribute to implementing this dietary shift on a global scale, including policies to support the adoption of sustainable diets, raising public awareness on the environmental, health and ethical benefits of these diets, and increasing accessibility and affordability [8]. While ...
(Laurens et al., 2017). As such, a biorefinery approach that generates multiple high-value products from seaweeds will be essential to fully valorize the biomass and enable economically viable coproduction of bioenergy. To accelerate the implementation of large-scale seaweed production, the primary ...
The main barrier for SVO penetration in large scale applications is rather economic, as a result of the low market prices of the fuel oils traditionally used (Chiaramonti and Tondi, 2003). Several factors determine which vegetable oils are of most interest for energy purposes, namely geographic ...
GoalAttainmentScale40GAS41目标成就量表气 系统标签: goalattainmentgasscaleesourainment Good Pr act i ce i n Per son- cent r ed Heal t h Car e The Vict orian Government Policy on improving care for older people st at es t hat t here should be great er emphasis on person- cent red pra...