There are a number of surfaces in fish for the exchange of gases between blood and the medium. The primary site, the gills, is designed for gas exchange between blood and water. There are many accessory respiratory surfaces, which in general are associated with the movement of fish from a ...
The chapter applies to fish gills the basic principles and methods that have proved successful in the analysis of gas exchange in mammalian lungs. In doing so, it focuseson the model that applies to fish gills鈥攖hat is, the countercurrent model鈥攁s opposed to the ventilated pool system of...
Respiratory gas exchange and transport was measured in resting, unanesthetized dogfish ( Scyliorhinus stellaris) equipped with rubber bags glued around the gill slit areas on both sides for collection of expired water and bearing indwelling catheters in a peripheral artery and in the ventral aorta. ...
Some species have a gaseous exchange in their lungs and gills.Answer and Explanation: Due to the large surface area of the capillary walls in each gill filament, gas exchange in fish is very effective. Due to the circulating blood and......
Gas exchange and ion regulation at gills have key roles in the evolution of vertebrates1,2,3,4. Gills are hypothesized to have first acquired these important homeostatic functions from the skin in stem vertebrates, facilitating the evolution of larger, more-active modes of life2,3,5. However,...
Control and Co-Ordination of Gas Exchange in Water Breathers Approximately equal amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide 2 are transferred across the gills of fish, but in opposite directions, whereas ammonia 1 excretion is only 10 to 30% of oxygen uptake. This is, of course, a reflection of ...
For fish or other aquatic animals, their special feature that is built for gas exchange is their gills.Answer and Explanation: Gas exchange is more difficult for aquatic animals because there is less oxygen in the water than compared to within the air. In fact, there is......
To determine when the ion regulatory and gas exchange abilities first appear in the gills, mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs) and neuroepithelial cells (NECs) were examined in young B. splendens. To evaluate the relative importance of the gills and the labyrinth organ under different levels of ...
Fish gills are responsible for performing gas exchange and ion regulation (Perry, 1998; Hirose et al., 2003; Evans et al., 2005; Hwang and Lee, 2007). There are 4 major types of cells in the gill epithelia: pavement cells, mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs), mucous cells and undifferentiated...
Both diffusion across the membrane of the secondary lamellae and diffusion inside the water flowing through the interlamellar spaces may limit gas exchange in fish gills. For both component processes, this limitation is expected to be higher for O2 than for CO2 because of the lower solubility of...