While those studies have explored this issue for ethanol, water, and nitric oxide, the effect of the mass transfer coefficient, specifically, or most model parameters, in general, on acetone exchang...Condorelli, P, and George, SC. Theoretical gas phase mass transfer coefficients for endogenous ...
According to Einstein's equation, the diffusion coefficient of solutes in a liquid is directly proportional to the reciprocal of the molecular radius of the diffusing solute. The Wilke–Chang expression [46] is one of the widely used empirical correlations for estimating gas diffusion coefficients ...
metal material on the high-pressure side; Φn, which is known as permeability coefficient, is a basic parameter for describing the permeation performance of gas-solid matched group; and under circumstances of molecular permeation, Φ has the same unit with the diffusion coefficient D, namely m2/...
35,38]. MXenes-based gas sensors are expected to achieve efficient and rapid detection of gases such as ammonia (NH3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at room temperature [42,43,44]. However, due to its excellent...
acetone bath ultrasonically for 5 min. When a test was over, the tested stator and rotor were new alternative. Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the test apparatus Theoretically, the minimum film gets smaller due to the existence of secondary O-ring seal. When the position of ...
15, No. 3, 1983 Surface Diffusion Flow in Gas Permeation be attributed to the surface diffusion flow. The permeability coefficient for this flow has been theoretically evaluated in the present paper. The surface diffusion flow may be observed in a limited range of pore size even for an ...
of various acetogens to confirm the involvement of the acetaldehyde oxidoreductase (AOR) in ethanol production and NADPH-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in the hydration of acetone to isopropanol in acetogens [19]. Moreover,C. autoethanogenumhas been the subject of a multi-omics ...
Supplementary Figure17a–dshows the translational-diffusion coefficient of bulk FM and adsorbed FM systems. In adsorbed FM systems, we find that as the pressure increases, the translational-diffusion coefficient gradually increases until a certain pressure (the phase transition point), after which the ...
Further, they proved the efficiency of their composite sensor material by testing the ethanol response of the sensor in the presence of toluene, NO2, NH3, methanol, formaldehyde, ethylene glycol, CO, benzyl alcohol, and acetone. Other important parameters to be considered in order to achieve a...
In this paper, the selectivity of PPM10 was verified by comparing the gas-sensitive response to 10 ppm NH3 and other interfering gases, including 100 ppm volatile organic compounds (VOCs): ethyl ether (Et2O), ethanol (ETOH), and acetone (AC) at 25 °C and 58% RH, as well as to the...